

— InspectorA Report User
Flat Basketball Theory 6 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
They're flat.
Flat Basketball Theory 6 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I do NOT like what this implies of boobs.
This request makes no sense ...Unless you are an ass man 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
But if it DID... imagine how popular would be regardless of bad writing / plot / character development. Billions yen just for tiniest amount of restraint drawing boobage.
Left, right, or both? 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Scarlet Walken?
This is why I have trust issues 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I'm too awkward to date, never been on one.
One of these things... 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Solvent = I have money so you should have money so "we" can have money but my money is my money.
I can’t decide 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
You... you poor man. OMFG! To have THAT as default mental imagery...
f*ck rich people 16 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Ah, so what if the billionaires paid off student debt as a legitimate tax write off?
Say one sentence that would trigger someone in any fanbase 22 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
All sequels made in the past 20 years outshine the originals.
Say one sentence that would trigger someone in any fanbase 22 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Ok, credit where due but THAT is going too far.
This is why I have trust issues 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Someone is trying to disinfect the holy water bowl and filled it with hydrogen peroxide and forgot to remove it after... also, good prank.
imagine 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Mmm, also... if I eat 3 pounds of ribs and you eat 12 oz of kale, do YOU gain 7 pounds? If so, them are GOOOD ribs.
Right? 11 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
This is where the aliens get abducted.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Damn, now I gotta do a bump notification.
Diabetes, wrist cut, complications from pregnancy, etc... none are communicable. You get Diabetes doesn't mean the bus driver for the elementary school catches it from you because you coughed. ... and ALL vaccines are experimental. Always have been. NONE have EVER prevented catching a disease as NONE are 100% effective. They just improve immune response to lower effects and thus reduce spread. That is literally their only job. Vaccines are just immune system Facebook telling your cells who to hate. And similarly, side effects may vary.
I can’t decide 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
@memesgobrrr you're the guy who sees a stripper in a movie and says "pfft, this shoes with THAT bra? I don't think so honey."
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Its not like deodorant either... Did infected people spread the plague? Did infected people spread spanish flu (which actually originated at an army base in Kansas)? Did infected people spread ANY infectious disease? Those who take precautions get no benefit from those actions, only costs and blame. Those whom have to work around the sick, are at highest risk of being infected. ... just so tired of it all... maybe George Carlin was right, stupidity is the plague of 20th/21st century. No one knows what's right, only that everyone else is wrong.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
I can’t decide 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
@famousone... bluelagoon has a book? Hardcover or digital?
@xvarnah no one will ever say that.
3. I wonder if it was AIDS in the 80s, and airborne contageous... would we still be discussing as such? How about this, if you get sick from COVID and ARE valued, insurance pays, if not, you pay 100% your bill, plus anyone who contact traces to you, AND emotional suffering of health care workers. Sound fair?
Emotional Engagement for children 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I'm in this post and I don't like it.
Get your French fry looking ass out of here 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
A... sleep? Is this a thing I'm too tired to understand?
This one goes out to all the introverts 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I believe I have found my jam... yes, that's my jam.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
On this day eight years ago someone sewed a fried egg into a shirt 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Chickenshit - cowardly. Bearshit - location based and obvious 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
B.O.R.I.S. = Bovine Oral Rectal Inversion Syndrome - condition where everything that comes out of a person's mouth is bullshit (lies)
Chickenshit - cowardly. Bearshit - location based and obvious 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Dog shit - not in my yard
Live long, and stumble sleepily through your house 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I'm gonna do like that paranormal research couple from "The Conjuring" and spend retirement collecting occult and clearly haunted items which i shall dispense to deserving cents and politicians or else find means to unbind spirits from objects to let them roam free. Because the world needs to relearn fear of the dark.