

— InspectorA Report User
Know the signs 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Constant effort to fix things correctly, not just cheap or fast but a lasting fix so thing never feels broken again.
extra motivation 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Clearly would only affect the newly born generations, those already born would be resistant to change. Thus why old men are leading surge in CO2. To spite the women whom said the men were not enough for her.
I love movie night 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Times like this, I ponder the song by En vogue, "Never Gonna Get it."
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
If you can't be with the one you want... love the one you're with.
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
If it was broken, would you fix it... or replace it with the insurance?
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
F-150 guys can love something that is broken and spend a lifetime to fix it because it means so much to him... no matter the cost, in time or money.
Imma Visit Potato Planet Again 6 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Similar events cause similar brain patterns. See someone you love :):):):):), see something shiny $$$$$, something traumatic (oo)..(00)
Imma Visit Potato Planet Again 6 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Since I was about 5 or 6, I've been dreaming "my" deaths. Never the same, always horrible. Later, learned how to turn some signals off, but others got in. Sept 9-11, 2001... bad dreams about being firefighter trapped in collapsed building. Feb 1-3, 2003, burning up on mid air disaster.
There seems to be proximity issues, the person in alt-reality has to be "nearby", but earths don't have to sync up for rotation. Can be a few days forward or back. Maybe decades or centuries too... even millennia.
Imma Visit Potato Planet Again 6 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
...why ours doesn't... yet.
No, this is long standing theory of mine. When sleeping, you mind is in null state, open to signals which pass through realities from people on the other side who have similar brain frequency and are at heightened brain activity (scared, fight or flight moment). You see through their eyes. Hear through their ears, touch from their skin. Taste and smell don't seem to work so good for me.
Yup, rewatching doctor who whenever I'm sad. 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Keep watching Supernatural reruns. Not b/c feels safe...b/c pain is real, and seeing others cope with it poorly like Sam, Dean and Cas... is inspiring.
The breadbasket of Russia 8 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
...and the Swiss flag is lily white innocence surrounded by a sea of blood. Seems like the cross should be gold rather than white.
The breadbasket of Russia 8 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
... also beer... and liquor... beef. It's "kinda" like America under attack. Which explains why America doesn't want to send troops.
The hero we need 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
A.P. story reads "Young American killed by Russian forces while defending storefront in kiev".
The breadbasket of Russia 8 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
He will try.
Everyone's a geopolitical expert when hashtags get involved 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Ukrainian soldatnitzia Domme spanking Russian tank commdandantski. "Yuu have been a bad invader to Ukraine. Must punish." "DA! Da! I hff been so bad, punishe me Domminitza! Step on my cubes".
Rules are just social constructs 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Which therapist is this? Think I found my spirit animal.
Fit for fight 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Ooh, picture a clan of meme lords taunting a gym Chad. Impressing upon him his lack of physique and sexual prowess until he tears a glute trying to ass press a bus to impress females. "HA HA HA, foolish Chad! Your vanity hath played into our trap. Now we shall quest upon the comfy gym mats."
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Fit for fight 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Go without me brother, my meat is unfit. No, really, if I exercise too much, muscles in my arms expand and truly, literally, literally cut off circulation to my hands. I am freak, hear me mew!
Fit for fight 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I'm only trying to lose weight to be less a burden upon those to carry my casket ... I am ... I believe the word is ... thik..? Husky for us over 40. Heavy but only belly fat.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Fit for fight 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Your tactics confuse and frighten me, sir.
I see dead people 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Power mobile meat suit.
Fit for fight 14 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Is there some racist fight league to accommodate point #5? "In this corner, believing his skin color guarantees his providence from God to rule all the sluts... rrrrrrRodddddnnneeeeyyyy! ...and in this corner, just wanting to play D&D with his friends in peace.. Tran, the Abbysmal of the Obsidian Order!."
You do what you need 8 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Armorer of the woodland faeyren and critters. Squirrel in plate armor, raccoon in chain mail, armadillo with side mounted .38 cal twin guns... snek in a flak jacket.
It's true, they do 10 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
@sca.. ahem... (oo) .. um.. @dingo? Even if I am the most worthless piece of trash in the world ... and that is asking a LOT considering the world.. I've helped people. They bitched when I did, they bitched after... their family and friends bitched and some threatened me. But.. one man, literally told everyone he met, that I saved his life. Stage 4 cancer, 104 fever, just wanted to die. I sat in his living room watching MASH with him until he finally gave in because I wouldn't leave until he went to hospital to treat the infection. He lived 4 more years, got sober, worked to pay his family out of debt... left them a little nest egg. That man treated me better than my own family, so I will never regret doing that job (vol fire fighter/ emt). If I am nothing but cannon fodder, at least I can take the bullet that would've killed another. So I keep standing against that wall. No one can knock me down but me; and I try... but I keep getting up, because have more people to save.