

— InspectorA Report User
Stay strong short king 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
He did it... one of us.. actually DID it.
Meat human! 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
... this... sounds like too much Hunger Games to me.
Has done 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
... in power mobile suits? Like Gundam?
Cool idea bro: could you do it without force tho? 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
May I offer you an 11 ft pole?
Cool idea bro: could you do it without force tho? 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
This... is true. Not "taken" but not paid either as it is the cash value 'option' but when they say the government took the rest, no one bats an eye.
Cool idea bro: could you do it without force tho? 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Mmmmmno. That math is wrong...see 747 Million for cash option. Not 1.28B. The lottery took almost half a BILLION for the cahs option. Like $280 million for taxes total... of 1.28 BILLION. Gee, that means the winner got a cool BILLY.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Weird… 11 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Can't unsee it now, can you?
Weird… 11 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Young Jay Leno?
Abscam 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
"Onto them" = "You guys are doing this wrong. You don't give the money to ME, you 'donate it' to THIS organization in exchange for a receipt and get a tax write off and THEY buy me things as part of 're-election' activities. All 'perfectly' legal... ish."
Catch these paws 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Reincarnated Egyptian pharaoh putting the hex on the British Museum of History.
Abscam 9 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Wasn't this "American Hustle"?
A rare double L 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Dude got what he wanted and thought the woman was excited by the opportunity, what more could she want? On a related note, Supreme Court now declares "flap humping" to be "impossible to consider as rape" because the woman could've talked to the guy raping her so he could do it correctly.
ThErE'd Be No BuLlIeS iF wE cHaNgEd SoCiEtY 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
See, mental disorders are like quantum states, they only exist when measured. I personally believe all psychiatrist should cut hair. Then you get something tentative from the session. A physical change to prove progress. Also, punching evil-doers is my main reason to play lottery.
Yes plz 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I would also like to see high heeled roller skates.
A surprise for sure 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
You have to say it like a paper towel commercial from the 70s .. kinda screaming and simultaneously yodeling.. ahem.. "DEE MON COOOOOORRRREEE!"
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Health tip 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
A nurse I know said in 2020 a local chiropractor was offering doctors cash for referrals for depression patients. He prescribes opioid pain killers and 3x weekly massages. She looked him up, apparently under investigation for over prescribing pills and sued repeatedly for sexual misconduct on female patients (in their 70s+). Currently out of practice due to "life-threatening cancer" .. for the 4th time.
Amazing! 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
If you pre-empt stupid questions with a stupid caption the net stupidity in the universe goes down.
Palpatine 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Master Cheif
Master Chef
Chef (from South Park)
Lopez "El Pesado" (Red vs Blue)
ThErE'd Be No BuLlIeS iF wE cHaNgEd SoCiEtY 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
(O0) ... we have .. the .. same mental disorder? >:) My experiences have made me super snarky, passive aggressive AF. I have bought shrimp just to slide into the back window of a person who parked in 4 spots at Walmart then left their windows down slightly.. in August.
ThErE'd Be No BuLlIeS iF wE cHaNgEd SoCiEtY 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
All my bullies in HS were on sports teams. Finally started leaving me alone when I knocked the front tooth out of our star running back and he had to miss a game. Principal threatened to expel me for fighting because "no tolerance" policy. I went out and called in 5 other students who complained about the quarterback, center, 2 linebackers and 3 receivers. Told him, I'll go when they do. Not even note in my record.. or theirs. .. week later 5 football goons tried to jump me after school, pulled a claw hammer out of my car. "I can get into college with a broken leg, or jaw, or arm in my junior year, can you? " NO one touched me after that... I was too crazy.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Palpatine 12 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
TW Political meme! 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Are... are we the baddies? No, but there are monkey shut brained morons at the helm. Some say go left, som go right, some even say go backwards.
TW Political meme! 7 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
YEAH! This week it's as hot as Nevada daily... in the fall.
Well? 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
(Chick-chick) no-one within range.
Well? 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Well, it would be rude to refuse an offering from White-colar American Jesus.