

— InspectorA Report User
The time has come 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
That would be you my dude. But fear not, weird is soon the fashion.
He he he 7 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Not sure if I've noticed... maybe?
· Edited 1 year ago
You think it's possible? 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
It's bound to come up so, might as well be first. Brokeback Mountain.
He he he 7 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
They're radio announcements from an alternate dimension that's 12 minutes ahead. I've had dreams from there. It's very similar to here but they're a tad head of the curve.
Year of the Necromancer 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Dwarves wearing latex, elves in flannel, ... mass hysteria. What's next? Uruk Hai as police and actually HELPING people?
Perfection 8 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
BNX....D?C?... can't decide.
You do what you need 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
..and if you don't get there don't sweat it either. Failure is an option when the project parameters are poorly or badly defined; and thus the project SHOULD fail. Teach the admins a lesson.
Warrior 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
The time has come 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I call dibs on the leather duster jacket.
It be like that 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Autism spectrum needs several studies to show it is like tourette's. Where we're allowed to carry a card saying "I'm specially disadvantaged socially and allowed to throat punch someone who is being loud or making me uncomfortable as a completely acceptable typical response from a person such as I."
I'm glad you asked; here's my family tree 6 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Poland / Ukraine - Scotland / Ireland... (staresssss..) ALL emigrated AFTER U.S. civil war.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
It's an incomprehensible, dead language 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Small salad tongs.
I don't sleep 9 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I wrap myself in personal demons, draped like a hooded cloak, made from their skins as I have defeated them and taken their sorrows within myself. Also body pillow but solid black (no waifu fu for me)
In conclusion, I am not ok 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Then psychiatrist says: "Good... let's explore that feeling. Let it flow through you." -neutral sith.
4 · Edited 1 year ago
He he he 7 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Sounds like badly written 'Stranger Things' episode. .. just checked, season 5 Ep 3..
Surely this is a troll account? 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Well, I mean... if you put a peanut butter sandwich on a fishing line and reel in a 10/10 mermaid... if its stupid but works its not stupid.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Behold the rare Polar Strawbearry 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Sigh) oh well, daiquiris it is...
Fully balanced 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
They Russians invented this long ago Tovarish. Just take bomb and tie to starving dog, sent towards German tanks.
Stronk 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
So... you're saying models can't be superheros or superheros can't be models? Have you SEEN any American comic books, movies, anime OR hentai in the last 15 years?
2 · Edited 1 year ago
Emotional Roadshow 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Seargent, keep the men moving forward. A robot that eloquent demands to be saved.
Dealing with it 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
This is actually genius.
For the easily offended: this is satire 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(oo)? To give or to receive?
Clever 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
...of course we have no data on those adventurers whom did NOT survive but we presume their injuries were identical in location but just deeper in thrust.
murica 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Regular Texan "Gaa, the old west is ended. What's the point of all these guns if I can't SHOOT smeone?" 'What stops you?' "It's illegal gosh darnit." (Lobbyist appears in a flash of smoke, points a crooked finger at the Texan (o0) ) 'what if it... wasn't?' ... ... "tell me more... Senator."
· Edited 1 year ago
murica 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
My dude, consider Texas law says ANYONE trespassing on your property after sunset can be shot dead as a horse theif.. whether you own horses or not. We value privacy more than your life. Also, kinda opens te door to shooting people with all the guns we have.