

— InspectorA Report User
I want to be put in a sword 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I'd be offended if you didn't.
Average center mass avoiders 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Someone (looking at you guest) explain why generals in WWI wanted to get rid of the new helmets because so many soldiers were being brought in with head injuries.
Laughs in horse 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
...and that's why HE'S in charge!
Absolute Legend 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Yeet it out the stone, stab all the politicians, as Supreme ruler - pardons myself, declares new election rules, sits over new elections, stabs all election riggers, pardons self again, repeat... most everyone agrees elections now fair (322 dogs elected to congress) "Right" schoops sword back into stone, yeet back into lake) .. "I'm out".
Truly we live in a simulation 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
You hear that?.. ... that's a SNAP comeback heard round the world.
Yeah 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
She stayed in space and flew to a different galaxy long long ago. Rest of humanity stayed on earth and porked the local fauna and now we all have to pay taxes & sheet.
I'm a cis 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
If you knee how far off the "normal" curve I lay, you'd 'hmmm' too.
Life hack, buy and destroy housing to force renting. 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
We took them all to court to evict. Judge ruled with us every time. Still found concrete mix in the toilet, rotten fish in the attic, and one literally stole trash from neighbors dumpsters to fill the house before leaving.
Those were the sh*t 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
This is how you do taxes.... "That's it? So why do our parents freak out every year?" ... Because this is with play money and that is with THEIR, very real money.
Also, hold this doll. It represents your kid. ... "Ok, .. heh... thats... kinds neat." Now take these tickets to that concert you always wanted to go to... "Awesome!" ... and sell them on Craigslist because doll kid wants a dog and won't stop crying until you get them one. .. "Awwuh" uh oh... doll dog ate chocolate, now you eat bagged lunch for 3 months to pay the vet.
That's the right choice 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I want 5 episodes of the TV comedy Frasier reenacted by any actor whose name is actually any spelling of Frazier. ...
No fishing 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Fu@& you, won't do what you tell me..
Fipppity foppity you are now Fae property 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Taken by the fae and they make me do road and bridge maintenance.
Frankenstein is the real monster 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Dr. Frankenstein is a monster for experimenting with human remains without consent, authority or peer review.
I'm a cis 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Very tough 19 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
That's EXACTLY what I was going to say.. Do you have ANY idea how expensive aggregate is? +40% increase in cost over last year is why concrete went up so much!
What's your favourite song? 6 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
SoooommmmmmmeeeBODY once told me, the world is gonna roll me..
Life hack, buy and destroy housing to force renting. 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
you defend the OP, I demand you let me rent one corner of your property. You HAVE to let me rent it from you, it's my RIGHT! (Then starts dumping toxic soils from OHIO train derailment in your yard). Don't believe it's possible? Ask me what it costs to dispose of 17 bald tires, 91 tampon applicators flushed and stuck in the sewer line, 3 mangy dogs covered in fleas and ticks, one home meth lab, and over 2,000 SF of carpet that smells of human piss. That's just some of what has been left behind after we FINALLY got the bad ones evicted.
Life hack, buy and destroy housing to force renting. 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Having worked on rent houses owned by my parents, I can tell you that there are good renters and bad ones. The bad ones pay late, say "you can try to evict me but I'll still get 90 days until it's official and THEN I can sue you in court for discrimination and drag it out over 6 more months and never pay one penny in rent during the whole time!" Of course, if you have a camera recording them make this statement and only a handshake rental agreement, it DOES tend to make the judge favor your position much faster. Security deposit / last month's rent was gone by the time we pulled the carpet from the front room. Dog feces in every carpet, they painted walls black, holes in ceiling, rot from water leaks.
I write contracts for a living now, and can tell you, if EVER I own a rent house for people to try to freeload on me.. they. will. NOT.
Coming soon 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
They'll b the ones defending schools and citizens from the raging police state.
A Thompson meme 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
So.. girth and capacity matters... hmmm.
Classic Europeans. Those rascals! 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
The black guy?
Political meme alert!!! 10 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I get soda without ice. ... (realizes) (oo) aww, made myself lonely.
Chad ukraine 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Have you SEEN the women of Ukraine? They don't need fake profiles. The wives & girlfriends of soldiers are catfishing tye blyat to their doom.
Outlander 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Me, knowing nothing of Morrowmimd.. "Ladies.. Helllo."