

— InspectorA Report User
I didn't even know number four existed until I decided to make this 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
5. Fork and knife.
6. Pizza pockets
7. Pizza rolls
Potatoes! 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Would lumberjack druid be more of a flannel or denim hooded cloak?
He he he 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Makes me wonder how much "art" is contributed by actual Disney artists.
These things are complicated 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
How am I supposed to fit the fridge in the oven?
The word Electrician has the same roots as Magician 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Your point is valid, but the profanity diminishes your provenance as a reputable informer.
Fortunate Son ofc 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Two minutes to Midnight, looped with Aces High.
Vengeance of a Druid 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I enjoy this as chaotic good revenge
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I'll push it towards the lower left leg of the bed.
UuhhUUHHH.. Uh uh. AAHAAHAAAH.... Uhum UHHUHUUAAAAHHA 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Look at these killer abs.
(( ))
(( ))
(( ))
UuhhUUHHH.. Uh uh. AAHAAHAAAH.... Uhum UHHUHUUAAAAHHA 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Hack, cough) gotta kill them cancer cells, chemo ain't working by itself.
It be like that 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
@guest_ ponder that you currently are on a spectrum between alive and not alive. Breathing makes you more pink while not more blue. Somewhere between total dark and fairly bright. . .. and at some point, you've typed JUST enough to capture people's awe of your depth & breath of knowledge.. but you keep pushing. You are the red shift my dude. The number 3 is ALWAYS red for my synesthesia. You, are always moving further down the spectrum. .. little #3 matchbox car.
Life goals! 6 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(0o) you think Legos.. is stress relief? The colors have to all match, cannot stack two vertical seams atop one another, where am I going to fine 97 feet of wire for my scale building of a walking dragline! (Meh, I used green cotton string when I was 8, it was taller than me... and worked (gears, bucket in - out, pivot, counterweight... everything)... cam not find the one Polaroid of me with it.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
May I have it.. hmm .. oh o terribly sorry ... may I have 'them? We've struck up conversations and are now negotiating situation.
Truely the best society 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Reverse hate speech saying Europe is great) .. "If Europe was so great, why did EVERY explorer from there try SO hard to leave?"
1 · Edited 1 year ago
The shyboi 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
The light at the end of the tunnel... is a bear carrying the arm of the guy he just ate and his google watch is regaining connectivity. Oh look, she's got 3 baby bears.. to feed.
Indeed 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I am the shoulder that bears the grindstone, I am the cog upon which the world turns, none may know my name, nor even I exist, but should I not, their world shall burn.
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Ha ha , no. ( I'm under karlboll's bed ).. there IS this other thing down here. It's all hair & intestines. Hisses at me when I try to grab it. Smell like sulfur.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I might be, come look. (- -)..
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(00) ... what if ... I'M... the monster? (OO) .. I'm ammendable to that. Yes.
Vaush 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(oo) .. and?
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Lies, have tried so many different way of attracting monsters, none effective. It's as if they were all afraid mof me, ( lol ) like I'm some kinda... crap...I may be a MC in a Japanese Anime.
Plot twist 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
"I identify as an M1Abrams tank... "
It’s a double standard 23 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Dude, just TELL her you're 6 ft - 2... she's not gonna ask if the "2" is inches or millimeters and as long as you don't correct her (always a mistake) you're good. Can even imply that the dash 2 represents a negative number if you're really 5ft 10inches. It's all about being honest... and sneaky.
Not that my parents did that but at least I didn't have to 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
You weren't in school with kids who bullied you then.
test 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Throw the magic Frisbee.