

— InspectorA Report User
Ruining the earth because you watched a Chernobyl documentary 13 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Yeah, ghost stories from 1,000s years ago now-adays attract ghost hunters and TV shows about cryptids.
Drink Compass 8 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Water where I reside has near toxic levels of bacteria and refuses to dose enough chlorine to kill it off. Coffee doesn't do for me, monster does too much and I'm allergic to hopps which is in all beer. Soda, bottled tea...the suffering of politicians..
Behold: The ideal prussian 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
No war (first off, how's that possible?) Second, no problem, your job now is to traumatized the next generation worse than you were.
Free to be offensive on Twitter 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Blows up hamburger chain with M I N D 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
What's wrong with you? Dude! Teach us senpai.
"German engineering is the world's finest!" 23 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Versus modern steel, I wonder how well a simple steel water pipe from Lowes would shake out.
That's cool 8 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
This time is acceptable, rapist shall be forcibly married to other rapist of the same sex whom are homosexual, and men abandoning women to lone pregnancy shall register a sex offenderand denied marriage license to any other.
"German engineering is the world's finest!" 23 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Also, starting with true crucible steel makes the initial billet very consistent and, depending on how it is worked at the start you can allow the crystal structure to develop slowly so the steel is very flexible; and flexible steel bends rather than break.
Hello, I Want to Play a Game 7 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Hit me baby, one more time with a boner
I didn't even know number four existed until I decided to make this 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
5. Fork and knife.
6. Pizza pockets
7. Pizza rolls
Potatoes! 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Would lumberjack druid be more of a flannel or denim hooded cloak?
He he he 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Makes me wonder how much "art" is contributed by actual Disney artists.
These things are complicated 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
How am I supposed to fit the fridge in the oven?
The word Electrician has the same roots as Magician 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Your point is valid, but the profanity diminishes your provenance as a reputable informer.
Fortunate Son ofc 5 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Two minutes to Midnight, looped with Aces High.
Vengeance of a Druid 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I enjoy this as chaotic good revenge
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I'll push it towards the lower left leg of the bed.
UuhhUUHHH.. Uh uh. AAHAAHAAAH.... Uhum UHHUHUUAAAAHHA 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Look at these killer abs.
(( ))
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UuhhUUHHH.. Uh uh. AAHAAHAAAH.... Uhum UHHUHUUAAAAHHA 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Hack, cough) gotta kill them cancer cells, chemo ain't working by itself.
It be like that 20 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
@guest_ ponder that you currently are on a spectrum between alive and not alive. Breathing makes you more pink while not more blue. Somewhere between total dark and fairly bright. . .. and at some point, you've typed JUST enough to capture people's awe of your depth & breath of knowledge.. but you keep pushing. You are the red shift my dude. The number 3 is ALWAYS red for my synesthesia. You, are always moving further down the spectrum. .. little #3 matchbox car.
Life goals! 6 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(0o) you think Legos.. is stress relief? The colors have to all match, cannot stack two vertical seams atop one another, where am I going to fine 97 feet of wire for my scale building of a walking dragline! (Meh, I used green cotton string when I was 8, it was taller than me... and worked (gears, bucket in - out, pivot, counterweight... everything)... cam not find the one Polaroid of me with it.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
When Tinder doesn't work .. 14 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
May I have it.. hmm .. oh o terribly sorry ... may I have 'them? We've struck up conversations and are now negotiating situation.
Truely the best society 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
(Reverse hate speech saying Europe is great) .. "If Europe was so great, why did EVERY explorer from there try SO hard to leave?"
1 · Edited 1 year ago
The shyboi 3 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
The light at the end of the tunnel... is a bear carrying the arm of the guy he just ate and his google watch is regaining connectivity. Oh look, she's got 3 baby bears.. to feed.