

— InspectorA Report User
"He's like me, for real!" 7 comments
inspectora · 37 weeks ago
Film, television, streaming and anime all require suspension of belief to accept that, despite ALL .. the odds, EVERYTHING against them... the hero can triumph... good will prevail, and love conquers all. To assure thus, the MC is almost always hot, or the person attracted to them is.
So close 5 comments
inspectora · 37 weeks ago
Isn't THAT word spelt E-n-s-u-r-e.
I see you. You look great! 1 comments
inspectora · 37 weeks ago
Not quite. I'm a mean son of a bitch... but I only hurt myself.
Just autism things 2 comments
inspectora · 37 weeks ago
There.. you hear that? .... SO loud.
warning 9 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
FORTY-TWO!? (Too early?)
I have access to approximately 250k unusable corks. I need ideas on what to use them for, 4 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
REALLY want to know why unusable. Just the label burn on side? Sell to ANY winery, they will rebrand .
Irritating likeable material 3 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
We shall name thee... "sniper".
Lioness lurking behind a deer while her cubs watch 1 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
The most terrifying thing you'll ever SEE... is a National Geographic camera-man focusing on you and refusing to look away from the eye piece. They are the closest the world has to the monks who watched death take the world for centuries only to jot a note in a book: "she took another this afternoon.."
Sure 1 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
This is chaos and logic masked as compromise... I.. LOVE this idea!
Relieved spanking piercing 4 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
Now now, do t be a Debbie... oh. Nvm.
What are your adjectives? 3 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
Uh huh.. demonstrate with MY name... Paul.
Only slightly disturbing 1 comments
inspectora · 38 weeks ago
But that's the point. We like what (who) we like and if we find a near substitute we'll probably like it too. Put THEM in chanc-ey movie with uncertain box-office results and preserve the originals' credibility.
Tough vagabond young 5 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Disease, disease, disease, inconvenience buzzing and spicy kisses.
warning 9 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Relieved spanking piercing 4 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
I wanna lead off by saying alternate universe Stephen Strange cause that would be hilarious to watch them fight.
Relieved spanking piercing 4 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Hmmm, played a DC character but no more...? What Marvel character should he be cast? Audience.. vote. .. .. now.
Photographer captured the exact moment I realized I would be bullied for the rest of 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
This could've been my 6th grade class photo. Bullied until end of HS. .. THEN... I gained 30 pounds of muscle and grew 3 inches... no bullies around.. God waited until they were safe to let me grow. Don't postpone, plan and attack them now.. when school ends so do your opportunities... burn them.. burn them all. Almost 27 years of hatred unfulfilled.. do it.
Dynamic confident President 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
I've done this but when I wake up I'm strapped to a chair and last time this official looking bug said "..and THAT.. was your 6th life sentence.. next."
Yeah, what's up with that? 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Some men chose to not evolve and wait for the time of the crab.
I mean, at this point it's just superstition 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
THAT.. is the sound of the system working. Shhhh. Let the music play.
Merry christmas to all 600k active users 3 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Dark are my tribulations and lonely is my journey, to ye whom share their light upon my grim world, bless you all. I shall hold back the darkness another day, for its fear of me is all that keeps it and the howling madness beyond at bay.
Inert dreary squint 2 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Hagrid O'Strich (ostrich) - explosives expert.
Inert dreary squint 2 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
Godly secret misguided 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
It was at this point that God said unto himself .. "HOW TF DID HE SURVIVE? I threw EVERYTHING at him. They didn't even mention the wolves, bears OR bison. What.. what has become of this simple thing I had created. Why won't they die? Why.. won't.. they.. .. die?"
Aubrey Plaza, just sublime 1 comments
inspectora · 39 weeks ago
She is glowing... with hatred.