Luckiest wife in the world posing with sexiest man alive 1 comments
· 7 weeks ago
He's some kind of dark wizard or warlock or something I tell ya.
Reserve whole absorbing 5 comments
Reactive fragrant rustic 2 comments
· 8 weeks ago
Jolene was a bounty hunter and Dollys man skipped on bail. NOW listen to the lyrics again.
Taking arrows to the knee and so on 1 comments
· 8 weeks ago
"Who goes there!?" - easy peasy. ... "WHAT.. goes there!?" (OO) "James! What is that shadow? Why is it moving towards us? Are there two of.. (00) are there SEVEN of them!?"
The spice brehlange 1 comments
Nah, that's just the quitters. 1 comments
· 8 weeks ago
Gen-X been waiting / planning for society to collapse for decades. MacGyver, A-Team, zombie movies x 1000, stress EVERY FRUCKING DAY... bring .. it.
Asking the real questions 1 comments
· 8 weeks ago
Yes, good, good. This is the Alderran solution inpractice. Let the hate flow through you.
Merry christmas 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
The other 364 days of the year, I'd be surveying their yard from drone, google earth, and reflectorless total station. Minute one of the purge, mortar fire reigns down on whole house. Drone strike with fire bombs to set remains of house afire. Others seed Chlorine shock pellets and ammonia drop into their pool. I know a bullet when I see one. NO family that large smiles that much.
A girl in a dress 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Flies down these stairs at midnight, cased by her prince.. loses a shoe, turns back but slips, steps into dress and she full boob flashes the prince and he goes deer in headlights, header down the stairs.. high heel impaled into forehead.
Edited 9 weeks ago
So which one 5 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Kidding me? ERICA! I'll put the litter box in the hallway and buy her kitten ears.
Now you know 2 comments
· 9 weeks ago
If billionaires can get exemption rather than consistent tax laws because of "reasons" then farmers / ranchers can do so to rent a M2 for a week to address the invaders. Forget terminators, I'm putting AI chips into hogzilla brains.
Knotty malicious third 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Usinflationcalculator DOT COM! just ran the numbers and found my mother was making today's equivalent of $76 an hour working part time at post office. I make about $53 an hr as professional engineer.
Even if I lost I would love to get a few shots in 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Oh my God, I'd fight the engineers at FORD who made all these "safety features" automatic and un-off-able (auto-high beam, auto brightness on displays, auto SLAM the fukin brakebhard enough to whiplash ma spine when reversing and a bird lands behind me or i back into tall GRASS!)
ALSO.. Their mechanical engineers who designed the covering and placement of the oil change points.
ALSO.. Their mechanical engineers who designed the covering and placement of the oil change points.
Finally 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
(...cries a little) we did it boys. Jobs now bring the women to us (HR POLICY prohibits dating within office) ... (o,o) (cries a lot).
No, not everybody is capable of thought 2 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Introverts and ADHD don't like bothering other people with interactions or problems so instead we converse our inner monologs and work out how we disappointed the world ourselves to save everyone else time and effort.
Sparkling dissident glass 1 comments
· 10 weeks ago
That's awesome.. IF you happen to have a roadway that is so overdesigned for the traffic loading that you can cut the number of through lanes (road diet), the town agrees to limit left turn movements (raised medians and planters) and has enough right of way to afford on-street parking. Sadly 99.9999999 are NOT this way. Good for them, just don't use as a generals example of what "could" be achieved.
Can you believe it? 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Ironic that.. (this post has been removed because it violates meme format of redundancy).
Fun with Predictive Text 3 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Women are more important than the other men who have been in the process for more time.