

Time to kick ass and drink coffee.

— Interesting Report User
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
I believe I have a right to defend myself and the people I love, God has nothing to do with it. Look man I'm Jewish so I wake up every morning with a target already on my back. I've gotten into a close call before where I did have to draw my weapon and hold someone until the police could arrive. I'm not saying I think everyone should have a weapon, (felons, people with a history of assault, etc.), but I do think it's insane when people think they can legislate against violence. Criminals dont care about the law. There are times when I see a store that has a 30.07 posting and I just want shop at that store, (30.06 is fine, I think open carry is silly anyway because it lets the bad guys know who to try and kill first). Statistically the areas with the highest rates of violent crimes in the US are those with the restrictive gun control. The guy breaking into your house gets an advantage if he knows you dont have a firearm--especially when he bought one off the street.
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
I also have over a thousand hours of training with my EDC and I'm a gold rated pistol marksman, so I'm not just some guy carrying a weapon he just picked up at walmart... and the training I have is actually quite common for a lot of people in Texas.
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@scarmandingo I think you're getting a little overly aggressive here, I have an LTC and I carry in public. I dont do it because I want to be an action hero, I do it because if I need to use it to defend myself or someone I love i can have the tool available to do so. This isn't just hypothetical either, I grew up in a less than stellar neighborhood in the 90's and a firearm is the only reason a group of convicted rapists trying to break into our home didnt get past the front door. My mother held them off until the police came. I understand that not everywhere I go is a shit neighborhood or always equates to the same possible danger, but being prepared is being prepared and everyone has lived their own lives and experiences. I feel like you're painting with a broad brush here... I wouldnt call you a coward so let's not start lobbing insults. It's a hot topic and I get it, but come on man.
Aaaand it's already outdated 25 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
There have been 17,608 homicides in Mexico this year... but the US has a problem? Many of these countries have homicide statistics that dwarf anything in the US. I'm not saying that mass shooting in the US are anything but horrible, but getting really tired of other countries bending over backwards to criticize my house when theirs is burning down around them.
I came across this earlier today and had to share. Thoughts? 10 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Consider he and his wife have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to charity, setup dozens of nonprofits to help people, and will donate 99%of their wealth to charity on their demise... that's the definition of a super hero to me.
Bollywood 21 comments
interesting · 4 years ago 1
Bollywood 21 comments
interesting · 4 years ago 1
Christians against dinosaurs strikes again 15 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Christians against dinosaurs strikes again 15 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
...these people vote. Jesus.
Tinkerbell? 12 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Faith in humanity... lost.
The true reason all along 1 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Woah, where did that come from.
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
How dare you, my assault microwave is just as effective as any rifle. (Couldnt resist)
This reply a while ago 9 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
If they stay true to their word they're going to obliterate the market. I'm really hoping this game gets published as they described.
Oof... 11 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@grimreaper before he died, he reported connections to the Clintons, to the British royal family... etc.
Oof... 11 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@grimreaper supposedly he had information on hundreds, possibly thousands of ludicrously wealthy and powerful pedo's
Glad we can all come together on some things 14 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@jensensbooty because he was supposed to be in a suicide proof cell with constant camera supervision. However, apparently he was not and the camera feed/memory during the incident was supposedly not working at the time of his death... mysteriously, it was working completely fine up until his death and even afterwards... but not during. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
6 · Edited 4 years ago
Glad we can all come together on some things 14 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@metalman that's the thing... he was supposed to be in a suicide proof cell
Glad we can all come together on some things 14 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@cakelover and prince charles of wales
Grim reaper friend 8 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
The seasons sure dont.
Sad news, please read comment 16 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
I've done some work with the folks over at amazon. If you want I can help you get setup to sell your products over there and give you some tips and tricks on marketing your stuff. Go to my funsub profile and share me your email. I'm sorry you guys are going through some rough times, I've been there and I 100% empathize.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Welding some stainless today 6 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Agreed--good work bot!
Oh c'mon CNN you can do better than this 57 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
@halfdeadhammerhead I've read through a lot of your comments. I think you care very deeply about your beliefs and you're very passionate about communicating those beliefs, but you run into trouble with the tone you use--you come across as extremely aggressive and condescending. If you worked on the tone you used, you might see your discussions with people on this website lean in a much more positive direction.
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
Let's blame the guns, not the shooters... let's blame the materials for the explosives, not the guy who made the bombs. Let's blame the F250 not the guy who mowed down 30 innocent people. We have a mental health and a bad people problem but people want an easy solution. People want to flip a switch and for everything to be solved. If all guns, knives, and flammable materials were banned tomorrow I guarantee you we would see such creativity in the new ways and methods evil people and criminals would develop to keep killing innocents. But we have a gun problem, right?
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
And people can say what they want about Texas but I see a lot more togetherness and people working together for a solution on this then most other states. In dozens of cities you're seeing both conservative, liberal, Christian, Jewish, atheists--any number of different people but all Texans--all opting for higher taxes or offering to personally donate to pay for the security and the jobs needed. People who cant afford to donate or opt for tax breaks volunteering time and services. You're seeing nonprofits donate money as well as local businesses. It's interesting that Texas gets all this hate about gun control but seems to be one of the few states doing anything about the actual problem.
It was the video games! 114 comments
interesting · 4 years ago
I also think its extremely interesting how schools, businesses or locations In general with strong security protocols, and in some cases armed security guards or trained, onsite police officers, never see this type of violence--but that's too much of a financial investment right? You're okay with your bank having heavy duty security but not your kids elementary school? "Oh, but my kids shouldn't have to have heavy duty security." Or "I shouldnt have to/dont want to pay more taxes so the schools can do that, but I'll still complain about it." Yeah, there shouldn't be evil in this world... but there is. You want something done about it but you dont want to help pay for it, and yeah higher city taxes suck but I'm fine with them if this is where it goes.