Boom boom 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Not really propaganda.You dont have to be a Trump supporter to disagree with or dislike someone who dislikes Trump. She has historically been a hell of a warhawk too. Her prosecution record is horrific to say the least... I hate Trump, but I'm definitely no fan of Harris. She has also made openly anti-semitic comments a number of times as well so there's that too.
Avocado is a berry 7 comments
· 4 years ago
The comments on this post are about as wild as the post itself, I love it.
Fearmongering 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Player, "I want to seduce the explosion."
DM, "You want to what--"
Player, "I rolled a nat 20."
DM, *puts their face in their hands*
DM, "So the explosion becomes sentient and winks at you..."
DM, "You want to what--"
Player, "I rolled a nat 20."
DM, *puts their face in their hands*
DM, "So the explosion becomes sentient and winks at you..."
Fearmongering 8 comments
Welcome to 2020, I'll be your guide 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Literally every single comment he has made on this website over the past 10 weeks has been downvoted. Enough said.
Picture of textResignation letter of Nowata County, Oklahoma sheriff Terry Barnett, after 30 comments
· 4 years ago
I know a lot of folks in law enforcement, and I have a lot of personal knowledge as well. Most of your synopsis here is just blatant, clearly biased, hyperbole. Side note I'm not the one downvoting you, although you are painting with a very, very broad brush. Particularly your comments on 'tacticool' training tells me you have very little real insight or knowledge on the topic, you're just speaking to try and come across as someone talking a philosophical high ground.
Picture of textResignation letter of Nowata County, Oklahoma sheriff Terry Barnett, after 30 comments
Amber Heard Campaign is nothing but 1.5 million paid robots from Russia 8 comments
· 4 years ago
*gestures to the entire, angry Vietnamese force of nature* THIS is angry Rosa.
Shut the hell up, lady 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Replace the word 'white' with '(insert any other race here)' and they would have been banned. Is what it is.
What you need? 4 comments
· 4 years ago
A lot of people who voted for Biden almost didnt because of her. She has a horrific prosecution record, made multiple blatantly anti-Semitic comments, and is not someone you would want in power. I know a lot of people who absolutely love Biden and HATE her.
They're Luciferilicious! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Something tells me Satan could be chilling in a leather recliner eating cookies for breakfast. He seems like that sort of person.
Gay, black republican .. 12 comments
· 4 years ago
Mate I'm not taking any sides, and I'm not in an echo chamber. I asked a legitimate question on if anyone has verified if this is legitimate or if the guy was trolling people.
Good job guys 17 comments
· 4 years ago
I still wish I could brew you some turkish coffee using some local Texas blends. Alas, we are parted by a great distance.
Good job guys 17 comments
· 4 years ago
Sometimes I hate that I adore you. Vietnamese coffee is where it's at though.
Good job guys 17 comments
· 4 years ago
I mean a lot of people dont realize that these insane wet markets exist primarily due to the extreme poverty afflicting a huge portion of the Chinese people. It isnt just a part of their culture, people look for and find food wherever they can to feed themselves and their families. The US ain't perfect but it you want to see desperate... take a look at many of these communist china, state controlled cities/villages. It's horrific.
Good job guys 17 comments