Robbie Gray


— Robbie Gray Report User
Target snapped 28 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
My comment was more at the guy complaining rather than at the "target" response
Fact 6 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
Or you know, people who like books, like other people that like books and want to work in that atmosphere vs people who like outdoors and wildlife and less people
Target snapped 28 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
I don't know what cable provider they're using because I've never seen Spanish on an English channel nor English on a Spanish channel.
Maths tho 3 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
Well considering the top one is pointing at a map I'd prefer the bottom one, at least there has to be an equation somewhere in that mess
Real life transformers 7 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
Needed a laugh 6 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
Well the account is deleted but apparently they put out a bunch of hateful stuff while being wrong about a lot like on this post so it seemed deserved
25 · Edited 6 years ago
Needed a laugh 6 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
I looked it up and the Bo Gardiner person got a ton of flack and ended up deleting their account lol
Thumb face 2 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
Like one of those hand minions from spy kids
Chocolate sloths 5 comments
iondrako · 6 years ago
World famous slothloafs here
Because letting myself in isn't as much fun 2 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Or they don't want any time travel shenanigans (stein's; gate)
Clothing that expands to fit children as they grow 4 to 36 months 12 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Because saying 2 years 1 month is hard. Apparently you were dropped on your head during those important months
Clothing that expands to fit children as they grow 4 to 36 months 12 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
A 2 year old is vastly different that a 5 year old, what's your point? The only person that'd care about exact age in months would be it's pediatric doctor. The point is listing it as 36 months which translates exactly to 3 years is idiotic. Same with 12 months and 24 months. It's like when you don't simplify a fraction, basically saying 36/12 years old.
Clothing that expands to fit children as they grow 4 to 36 months 12 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Parents that don't switch to years past the 12 month line disappoint me, like it's 4 months to 3 years, don't give me that 36 month crap
The life of the party 6 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
I agree on the being fired and not allowed thing but look at the pictures, the guys party sucked, no one was there. The cops probably felt bad for him though they shouldn't have done what they did
10 · Edited 7 years ago
Saying 'you should exercise' is now a huge crime 21 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Good on ya, don't lose your goal as you'll be so happy once you reach it. I'm rooting for you random funsubstancer
Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate 3 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Pretty sure a lot of this scene was improv
Spots 1 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
I like how they only just made random holes on the shadow and didn't try to copy the spots on the dalmatian
Okay but the movie Alien ... 11 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
I mean if it's an egg sold to be eaten it's not fertilized so cracking it open can't end a life that's not there
DDOL #71- Love is a choice, please make a good decision 2 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Either a loving excerpt about a couple or a creepy one from a stalker
RIP Onision 6 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
My issue with then isn't that but when the same youtubers that got big doing stupid stuff think their opinion on important topics somehow carry weight and they start preaching about them.
These things really are "out of style?" 14 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Sorry to disappoint you but nope it wasn't
These things really are "out of style?" 14 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Turning off phones and stuff is dangerous nowadays though. Like it's fine to set them down away from you but it's always better to have some way to reach you in case an emergency happens. It could be the difference if seeing a family members last moments or not in extreme cases
Never underestimate the effect of kindness 8 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
My issue with this is that these are seen as oddities and rare among people. The fact that being kind to others is such a rare thing that people see a few and immediately think "faith in humanity restored" instead of "why isn't this the norm" is kinda sad
Dads Who Didn’t Want Any Dogs In Their Lives 5 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
As small and useless as one
Dads Who Didn’t Want Any Dogs In Their Lives 5 comments
iondrako · 7 years ago
Well yeah, he didn't want a dog. He didn't mind rats though