Robbie Gray


— Robbie Gray Report User
Education AND basic necessity?!?!? 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Don't forget Schrödinger's-gay
It lasted 48 hours 2 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Oh yeah you do, just spray them with a squirt bottle of they get near the good furniture. And you can probably keep your pets away with snacks or dog fences
All my coworkers complaining of a lack of sleep now their kids are off of school- 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
That's what the sleep demons want you to think lol
You don’t know being alone on Christmas until you’re the lone traveler in an 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Still waiting on that vaccine from Umbrella Corp
Weaponized polarity 11 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Makes me kinda sad we're kinda forced to have the lesser of 2 evils as a leader. We should really have a "get these assholes out of here and redo it all" until we get options of people that just want to do good with no ulterior motives.
I drew this pixel art animation using only 10 colors and called it Terrain [OC] 2 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Reminds me of something from space quest
"If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid." 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
They must, no room to open the doors. Getting anything out of the back would require a ladder too
Finishing touches, guys 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Honestly I'd rather the devs put out a game they're fully happy with by delaying it to work everything out rather than deal with another AAA priced beta test like most other developers do nowadays
That's crazy and disgusting... What's her name? 9 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Though some other student that didn't like her could have forwarded it to the principal
He DIDN'T fall!! 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Sliding down the rocks looking like Tarzan sliding on vines
Nintendogs basically 6 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Ah, an idle game player
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Yeah almost certain it's a type of snapping turtle considering how fast it could jut it's head out at a weird angle and bite
Cosmic scientific Hummingbird 1 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Idk, heard he'd give out some pardon licks if you slide him a few biscuits under the table
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
He's lucky it didn't rip part of his lip off
My good friend Emmanuel giving free meals out to front line COVID nurses 1 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I hope the pic is unrelated since if it's not then a bunch of front line nurses are sitting close to each other eating food and the guy cooking/serving food isn't wearing a mask
There’s an oil for that 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Well as a kid I got mumps from the mumps vaccine but it was rare enough all the other doctors came in to see lol, either way the vaccines are still worth using since the good they do outweighs the small chance of one of them not going fully right
Anon gets redpilled on Diet Soda 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Same novelus
These are fire ants: They act like a bulk material with Viscoelastic properties when 6 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Snow ball fights are all fun and games till someone brings out the fire ant ball
Juvenile uptight needy Mosquito 10 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Well it's hard when they go out of their way to recruit kids right out of school where they understand/know way too little
interior baby lolly 1 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
Nothing like borderline child abuse based on the parent's own opinions and prerogative to get a child's life rolling
I must say, the new CPU looks really good 4 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
Can't wait to listen to that baby purr
Cute 4 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
Reminds me of the ol' Kindflayer posts, +1
It's a little crowdy outside 3 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
But it's okay because it probably went over their head
Say cheese! 1 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
If I were him I'd be quite cross
Driving with ladder up 5 comments
iondrako · 4 years ago
Wish the gif didn't end since the next one has signs