Robbie Gray


— Robbie Gray Report User
Jurnalismm 13 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I just wish they'd stop making stupid people
Anime on Youtube sucks 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Glad to help haha
Anime on Youtube sucks 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Could be worse, could be "reading" manga on YouTube
The fact that this happened is concerning 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Pretty sure the context is from something he did during his presidency
Apple Crab, the Delicious Decapod Destroyer of Insides 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Looks less like a crab and more like some type of flying bug with massive biting jaws
brain 7 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
56% of the voters don't have to see a therapist nor take meds for some random thing their brain does and it shows
Beautiful beaten acquainted Elk 2 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Love how they used hiragana for Japanese and not kanji which you'd be harder pressed to differentiate from Chinese (as that's where it originated from)
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Housekeeping 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Mine is: "There seems to have been an attempt, a bad one, but an attempt no less"
· Edited 3 years ago
So true 9 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
My mom works at a middle school and they've had multiple kids get it post winter break, the high school near them had a whole class go into quarantine because of a found case that had been going on for over a week. I don't want to go into the details for what I've heard but some of the cases (like how they caught it, when the caught it and what not) was some of the dumbest cases of humanity I've heard in a while
I call it "The Immediate Surrender" 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Another great question is what's up with the guy's fingers while it looks like she has normal hands
He needs one!!! 1 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
What os has a new folder named untitled folder? On windows it's just "New folder"
Thick vivacious awesome Mouse 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Um no, being married or what have you doesn't mean you're forced to do everything together, especially when couples don't have all the exact same hobbies. Also someone bringing there SO to a day they planned with their friends is so awkward and usually unfun...
Horse with Sauce 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Neigh in the hay
The nintendo switchblade 8 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
The fact the blades don't mirror bothers me
Headpats Day 25 - I Believe I Could 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I wish Acchi Kocchi was longer
Covid-posting 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
It was just feeling kinda down since so many people ignore it's existence, so it's doing its best to stand out
Headpats Day 16 - It Doesn't Cure Depression, But It Sure Helps 9 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I... I really couldn't, I'm sorry
Headpats Day 16 - It Doesn't Cure Depression, But It Sure Helps 9 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Are least they didn't leave her hanging for a head pat
Overboard hushed Elephant 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
They claim you aren't listening so you grew some ears to hear them better
Girls love a show-off 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
This is gonna be one of those things he lays in bed cringing/agonizing over in the future despite it not really mattering, rip.
Padoru Advent Day 22 - Reject Humanity, Return to Monke(y D. Luffy) 4 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Dunno about this one, kind of a stretch
Shit up snaggle tooth 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
Leave out the bugs and what not and you still have a bunch of half assed and unpolished features. The fact npcs are worse in their reactions to stuff than San Andreas npcs from the ps2 days is just sad.
The 2021 teaser is out 8( 10 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I for one am proud of Nature's never give up and can do attitude
Padoru Advent Day 4 - Fropdoru 3 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
More like Keroru
I missed my exit and had to speed, but I satisfied my inner teenage idiocy for a minute 5 comments
iondrako · 3 years ago
I like how the gas tank meter looks like a fishing rod