Robbie Gray


— Robbie Gray Report User
New doge 2 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Nice doge, looks like it's pure bread
A tan is blackface apparently 13 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Only thing I can guess is the thing where she had the full body gyaruish tan
It's not an addiction bro I just do it every morning without fail 2 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Dunno about that second part, most addicted alcoholics I've experienced heavily denied they had an addiction with some being aggressive about it.
undisputedly 2 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Honestly I don't think the anime can match up to how good some of the manga drawings are
Lean, green, dye-ing machine 3 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Because most likely it's 100% safe food coloring dye or something similar that wouldn't cause issues for the local fauna
birdmeat 1 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Idk seems wishful thinking to assume the meat bird is chicken
Tag yourself! I'm the knife. 9 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Hampy chemicamls 5 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Saint Valentines was a real person that existed though
I'm not a socialist but .. 8 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
As someone on the spectrum who also has add I disagree with them. It's hard to even do things I want sometimes let alone fully function in normal situations.
German customer service & state of IT in a nutshell 5 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Really though you'd think they'd have a website or something for non-verbal help
You're welcome 12 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Why are they assuming it'd just be a reverse color animal and not some horrid fox bunny mutant
RIP 2 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
For now until YouTube find some way to screw that up too
Literally any anime ever 1 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
I mean that's the thing about entertainment content, it's made to appeal to the people that consume it. But it goes both ways as there's stuff made to appeal to so many different demographics not just one to try and make dough from everyone they can
It has to be B!!!!! 10 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Chaotic neutral, nice
Singapore flattened the curve! 13 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
I'd assume it's because the more people that got vaccinated the more went back to normal daily behavior. That comboed with the virus developing a new strain could be the cause. No way of telling for sure though
Imagine harass someone for having their own taste 10 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Italians get mad if you do spaghetti in a slightly wrong way, they'd look at pineapple pizza eaters like monsters
Fake news. Smh 9 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
I mean the original image that spawned This investigation looked like it was from an anime
Fake news. Smh 9 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
I mean it probably was fake but you'd have to check the anime, they don't always do stuff the same as the manga
Armstrong, discoverer of the Moon 2 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
I mean the difference is knowing one existed but previously couldn't be reached vs not knowing something existed and accidentally landing there.
Hello you can go away now 5 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
A good psychiatrist actually does try to find the root of issues before going to medication. From personal experience medicine comes in when there's a potential chemical imbalance in how the body is functioning which can cause various issues.
There are bad psychiatrists though that just go for medication for everything but there's bad people in every profession.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Hello you can go away now 5 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
This is one of the worst takes on psychiatrists I've seen
Happy pam noises 11 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
And phone scams
Who knows - he will understand 6 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Old timers 1 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Still have them tbh
My eyes 4 comments
iondrako · 2 years ago
Them c section babies are just a cut above the rest imo