

No matter how bad things get, you can always find the good somewhere.

— Jason Report User
Facts 4 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
The longest English word that doesn't repeat a letter is: uncopyrightable
Facts 4 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Those are the only two words I've found that have all five vowels present in alphabetical order (and -y when you switch them to adverbs)
Killer cyborg 5 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
The Nerfinator?
Jesus the second coming 2 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
professor x: jesus christ
A Map of Us 95 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Translation: Texas
Can we elect clones, though? 8 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Oh yeah that's true, thx. They're both hilarious dudes. I've been listening to Hannibal Buress' stand-up lately and I think he's my favorite comedian rn
Can we elect clones, though? 8 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Yeah, generations are weird. I just realized a couple weeks ago that my younger sister belongs to an older generation. That came to mind with this so I mentioned it here.
As a side note, one of my favorite things is happening up above: someone (me, this time) is getting downvoted for stating a fact.
Insert the Wayne Brady screencap of "Why are you booing me? I'm right."
Can we elect clones, though? 8 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
The borders aren't super clear cut, but widely accepted guidelines say people born between 1981 and 1996 are millennials, putting the oldest at 37 years old. Newsweek says people born between 1976 and 2000, with the oldest being 43 years old. Either way, it's not "way off" lol
My youngest sister is completely baffled by technology and memes and the internet in general. She also has a unique world view that fits very nicely in Gen X . I'm older but I my attitudes toward life are definitely millennial.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Can we elect clones, though? 8 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
The oldest Millennials are in their 40s, so it is going to start happening now
A Map of Us 95 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
I'm in the US Virgin Islands
You laughing at Chinese and north Korean 7 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
I think it's referring to people the US thinks of as suppressed.
Gravestone of Elija Bond, Inventor of the Ouija Board 2 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Elijah funded it, but it was actually Charles Kennard that adapted it into something like we'd recognize today. Bond insisted on the patent and always claimed to be the inventor though. I only know this because I was listening to the Stuff You Should Know podcast about Ouija Boards this morning; I've never actually used one.
Preach it 10 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Hey now! I'm the oldest sibling in my family, and I have to say that your statement is very accurate.
Laundry police! Open up, we have a warrant! 13 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
You don't want to put fabric softener on your towels, if you like soft towels. And you don't want to wash new clothes with other clothes in hot water.
If you use bleach, it can only go on whites.
Other than that, have at it.
Sammy boi 3 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
The bullet, or whatever, went through the antenna assembly, the proximity sensor, the earpiece speaker, the ambient light sensor, and probably both cameras. Fun fact: on an iPhone, shoot it through the top right and it might still work. The hole would need to be slightly smaller though.
Oh wait, that's where the screens plug in so it might work but there wouldn't be a picture. Nvm.
Just what d*cks do 4 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Their legs curl up when they're dehydrated, too. If you find a spider like that, put a few drops of water on them and, a lot of the time, they'll be back up and on their way in a few minutes
The bible also says that women shall not marriage a second time, is funny how xtians pick 6 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Haha, fair enough. I remember you from last year; you would go through phases where you would be funny and supportive and you would contribute, and other phases where it seemed like it was more fun for you to troll everyone. I hope you're doing okay, friend.
The bible also says that women shall not marriage a second time, is funny how xtians pick 6 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
It's like you popped out of a time capsule from 40 weeks ago when half a dozen users realized there were automatic posts. Just to save you some trouble, here's what we collectively decided back then: 1) Besides the porn or references to other meme sites, bots are largely fine and 2) if you disagree you can feel free to go to one of the other meme sites out there. I personally like this site because the community is typically friendly and supportive of each other, or they will hash out differences in largely rational ways. Why do you come to funsub?
I didn't see my long distance relationship girlfriend for 8 months. This is what I 5 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
I found it on something called obrazkowl dot pl, which I've never heard of. The title is: "I didn't see my long distance relationship girlfriend for 8 months. This is what I expect when we meet again in 3 weeks"
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Cabbage unmrella 5 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
I need this in my life 0.0
Chad and his fog of DECEIT 4 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
I read "vampires" the first time and thought she was going to eat Brad :s
Fallout 76: I have money to waste 3 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
Lol.....I K N O W
Thank you for the heads' up though; you are consistently a nice fella.
I've been waiting for a weird meme like this to come along so I could make that comment ironically. I'll probably do it again, too.
It's partly for the obvious absurdity, and it's partly my silly, one-man protest against belittling an entire style of humor based on it being slightly "older-feeling and eccentric" when we are also immersed in stuff, like this meme, eccentric in its own, different, non-Boomer way.
I like it more than just about anything when people come together and support each other (like fs, for the most part), and I like it less than just about anything when people find reasons pick each other apart. Writing off a whole group of people because their jokes are perceived as "less funny" (young or old) grinds my little gears.
Sheesh, I was just going to write "I K N O W", and all that other stuff slipped out. Sorry haha
Fallout 76: I have money to waste 3 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
“Wrong Century” by Tomas Kucerovsky 14 comments
jasonmon · 4 years ago
If anyone is confused by the 90-60-90 beauty standard Ross is mentioning, it's that the so-called "Perfect Woman" is exactly: 90cm tall, 60 years old, and 90kg.