Accurate 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Do tattoos hurt? 13 comments
This girl is so friggin' badass 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh my god, after the live-action movies I can't wait for some refreshment, a.k.a 2nd season.
Edited 8 years ago
It would be great if guys could get over themselves 39 comments
· 8 years ago
I also don't understand why are there razors for men and women separately. You can't even say that it's because men have thicker hair than women, because it's just not true.
1.5 years clean from cutting :) 21 comments
Well you're in this together now! 3 comments
Genie love..sounds like a weird song title. 5 comments
Giving your co-workers heart attacks 7 comments
This man makes a good point 10 comments
You can't have everything in life 5 comments
This is how I entered my best friend's life 1 comments