"Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you will ever be again..." kik jb199404 :)
— Jenny Smith Report User
Fair enough 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Put a line of foundation color 1-2 shades darker than your skin down each side of your nose from the edge of your eyebrow to the indent at the tip of your nose. Blend that into your skin. Then put a strip (like he has) of a foundation color 1-2 shades lighter than your skin tone down the middle and blend. Then...Magic...thinner looking nose!
Nurses after a patient suffers a miscarriage 31 comments
· 10 years ago
As both a flight nurse (rn/paramedic) and firefighter, there are definitely cases that get me. There are still instances where I get emotional and do cry. We are not numb to things. Most of the time we cry in solace or grieve inwardly.
Not that it matters 13 comments
At my local tattoo shop 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Definitely why I design my own! Next one is going on my arm or thigh, it's all drawn up and ready...now to save up some cash!
As a non-american reading about American college students 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I did file the fafsa, I just didn't qualify for much. And bear, mine are 9.5 for the most part, actually.
Edited 10 years ago
As a non-american reading about American college students 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I got 0 help from the US gov't and owe over $100,000 in loans, thanks to sky high interest rates. And...I did NOT drink my way through college!
Edited 10 years ago
[banana for scale] This is what 4 years of medical school looks like 19 comments
· 10 years ago
A. I definitely had more for my 4 year nursing degree as I was pre-med to begin with. Graduated with a bachelor's in micro and nursing.
B. I know my information just as well as any medical student knows theirs. I don't know why you would assume nurses "pump and dump," that's just insulting.
C. I never said nursing school was as difficult as medical school, I'm currently enrolled in NP school and an well aware of the challenges.
D. Thank you for that. I love being a nurse.
B. I know my information just as well as any medical student knows theirs. I don't know why you would assume nurses "pump and dump," that's just insulting.
C. I never said nursing school was as difficult as medical school, I'm currently enrolled in NP school and an well aware of the challenges.
D. Thank you for that. I love being a nurse.
[banana for scale] This is what 4 years of medical school looks like 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I think my 4 years of nursing school stack is at least twice that! If that's Medical School, I made the wrong decision!!!!
The cost of healthcare in america 36 comments
· 10 years ago
It does cost. Insurance, if you have it, helps, but not everyone has insurance. There are organizations and subsidies that help people. I know this information as a paramedic/firefighter/nurse. And, the new affordable care act is not going to provide relief for this.
The cost of healthcare in america 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Usually in most moderate size cities with 2 basics it's base line 400-600. If there is a paramedic it's 600-1000.
This Is a Rare Specimen 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a girl! I was a big ole ball in the front. Do some women show in the back or something?! I'm pretty sure I've only seen the baby bump up front. Sure, maybe the hips get a bit wider, but I've never been able to look at someone from behind and say "yup she's pregnant!"
This Is a Rare Specimen 21 comments
White guy confessions 18 comments
0 for 7. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
7 for 7, but I totally feel like I need and adultier adult!!! An adult who can adult better than I...
Sketchyyyyy 6 comments
Some cool tombstones. 29 comments
Does anybody in here do that, anyways? 48 comments
· 10 years ago
This isn't how you eat ice cream?!?! I've always done this...is my whole ice cream eating life a lie?!?
Aids jelly 34 comments
· 10 years ago
"Armored fire hyenas on meth." You, sir, are the epitome of wrath! Well done, well done.
Art 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't feel bad! Every comment I've made today has been down voted. Actually most of the comments I make any day are down voted. Also wiliaso extends his hello. He is at comment max for the day, but wanted to say hello!
Friendship is magic 18 comments
Teach me how to do my taxes!! 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually Guest, according to the post above, you would take language classes completely through your primary and middle school years. You would get all of the culture and lessons through 8 years instead of 2-4 in high school. In high school you should be prepared for life, including learning how to do taxes, understanding the difference between adjustable rate and fixed rates, how to manage a 401K or savings plan, what a mortgage entails, how to decide if a loan is good for you, and how to invest well. So, yes GOOD FOR ME!! These are definitely things I wish I had been taught in high school. Not all schools or districts make these kinds of classes requirements, and they should.