User jd1984 Banned
This is just beyond disgusting 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Just stop giving them money.
Listen here, Bob 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Most jails have an on site hospital area with medical staff, or will at least call some in when needed.
You disgust me...I am you 8 comments
We need answers 3 comments
Old but gold 5 comments
· 5 years ago
The tits ARE temporary, so let me enjoy them while I can. I'll get back to Rome when I'm done.
Wholesome 6 comments
· 5 years ago
You will never get the majority to accommodate the minority like that unfortunately. While these gloves, as they are right now, do little to help anyone; it is a good start to something that could improve lives greatly.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
· 5 years ago
Now after saying all that, I did enjoy the movie. I was just trying to explain why some people had a problem with it. The only thing I didn't like is that the changed Luke's character so much. The Luke of the old movies wouldn't have considered killing his student just because his mind was a touch on the dark side. Kylo was trying, it seemed, not to fall to the dark side IMO.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
· 5 years ago
Rey on the other hand (discounting her sword play and mind tricks that we never saw supervised training on) was purported to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, in the force with no parental links to explain it. While Luke on the other hand, was trained by Yoda for at least a short time and started out with easier tasks, such as lifting his ship, as an example of what and how the force is used. Rey had no such training on how to access the force or what it could do.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
· 5 years ago
We see Iron man testing his suit multiple times before actually flying, we have to assume we only saw about 5% tops of all testing he did. Scarlet witch we have no idea how long she had her powers before facing off against the Avengers. We see her as a child in the war torn village and then as a 20 something with powers and presumably training in how to handle and use them. Spider man I'll sort of give you, but (according to the MCU spiderman) increased the amount of input he has to deal with (told to Tony when asked about the eye covers) it would increase his reaction time to a point where he can react seemingly immediately to any threat, so it only LOOKS like he knows how to fight. Same goes for Captain America, he had his abilities at least 6 months before he took on a real mission, and only got through it by shear dumb luck in my opinion.
The same with shitstorms, haters n stuff 7 comments
· 5 years ago
The first one was a ruse to get the government complacent, the real one is next year when the guards aren't prepared.
Back in 2012 a 12 year old girl named BridgeAnne d'Avignon discovered that all U.S 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I think they show the corruption more, rather than getting more corrupt because they know nothing we can do will stop it.
Safety first! 3 comments
'memba when? 6 comments
Protecc the Kat at all costs 2 comments
· 5 years ago
1st pic "What do you mean I'm fired?"
2nd "Damn right I'm not fired."
3rd "You're fired, idiot."
2nd "Damn right I'm not fired."
3rd "You're fired, idiot."