Our Booty in jeans
Luscious be thy cheeks
Thy gorgeous curves
Thy rounded rump
They are the symbol of heaven.
Give us this day our daily grope
"Can you clean and cook tho" 32 comments
· 6 years ago
Holy shit
24 years of love 13 comments
Dating 11 comments
· 6 years ago
It just seems to me like the inexperience creates a lot of little problems that I make excuses for because of their inability which leads to the dismissal of big problems.
Dating 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Because they have no idea what to do in a relationship. Everyone I've dated hasn't dated anyone before me and they use that as an excuse to lie about their sexual history and stuff because "I didn't know I was supposed to tell you that I haven't been in a relationship before". I have been treated like crap by each and every one of them and part of it is because they have no idea what to do
Can't even identify your own cat 2 comments
· 6 years ago
This happened to me recently :( we thought a coyote killed our cat when we found "him" ripped open on our front lawn... after a very traumatic process, and deciding not to wait any longer for animal control to pick him up after 2 hours, we buried him in our backyard. 3 days went by with me crying and collecting the fur from the front lawn and storing it away. Yesterday, he shows up with his very noticeably meow asking for food. It was a good day
Dating 11 comments
Sounds like a lot of people I know 14 comments
Pepperidge Farm remembers 9 comments
Next level of music 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Fuck this tweet I've seen it so many times and it's not even funny fuck Kanye west
Leave your prejudice at the sink and scrub up 12 comments
· 6 years ago
You won't really want to treat drug addicts in the ER either if you "don't want to treat them because of their lifestyle". What kinda bullshit is this??