3 young royal heirs around the world, Denmark, Marocco and Japan 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Isn't Denmark the happiest country on earth? It kinda shows in the kids' faces.
When you accidentally step on your pet's foot. 5 comments
· 10 years ago
The worst is when you try to apologize and they pull away from you and give you that look that says "How could you? I trusted you! Never again!"
I genuinely don't know how to not respond with anger in this situation 32 comments
· 10 years ago
omg that poor parent... it's like they got treated poorly just for their skin color... i bet the other people have never had that happen to them so they don't understand....
That sh*t eating grin... 12 comments
If you have any questions you want answered... 19 comments
I hope she said yes 16 comments
· 10 years ago
i hope she says no.... that's weird and creepy. like... maybe don't waste six months of your life away from the woman you "love".
120 feet deep Jacob's well, Texas 11 comments
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
It's such a sad story... foster kids have a rough enough time as it is.... Bless that family.
Alena Kosheleva, new government 10 comments
Brilliant fingerprint wedding guestbook 6 comments
· 10 years ago
sounds like one of the cop sting operations where they tell people they won something... like there is a guest at the wedding that they need a fingerprint for.... <paranoia intensifies>
confession 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Next time you get a few bucks, buy a bag of dried beans and a bag of rice. You can get basic nutrition really cheaply from that, and you won't feel hungry.