Take a minute 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Ive seen planet of the apes. You want to be friends with that gorilla.
Kingsmen...A great movie 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes absolutely! Finally someone who ignores villain clichés! I loved and hated it.
It's true 17 comments
If only 9 comments
· 8 years ago
This is old and has been remedied by the store. They said they wouldnt do it anymore.
Deadpool getting it all right 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Thats an argument i can agree with for having it removed. However, that is NOT the argument that was used. The argument that WAS used was stupid as hell and far more detrimental to womens empowerment than the advertisement could ever have been.
Instead of raven being the hero of mutants and a role model for girls being strong, confident, and defenders whats right, they instead argued she was a weak little "victim" that cant even defend herself, let alone anyone else, and being a victim shouldnt be shown.
Instead of raven being the hero of mutants and a role model for girls being strong, confident, and defenders whats right, they instead argued she was a weak little "victim" that cant even defend herself, let alone anyone else, and being a victim shouldnt be shown.
Deadpool getting it all right 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Yea its a shame this stupidity it happening. Raven was a badass rallying point and then jean kicked his ass and this shit is what gets attention? Feminazis taking one moment and ruining the amazingly strong roles women had in the movie.
Very useful if you want to survive in the wild 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Depends on the heat really. Water and sweat work well, but you can still get too hot and suffer from heat stroke even while hydrated.
Very useful if you want to survive in the wild 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Heat's probably a good description for normal things. Unless you're in the desert, in which case im not sure you need more heat as opposed to shelter.
Edited 8 years ago
Even better would be a license for having children like for cars 19 comments
· 8 years ago
I actually took the title to mean, like driving, you aren't legally allowed to unless you have the appropriate knowledge to do so. So like...taking a class and learning how to be a parent and being able to pass a basic knowledge test of parental skills. Which is something I could theoretically get behind.
Of course, anyone who cares about being a parent is going to research parenthood in any case, and the ones that don't give a shit are also the ones that wouldn't give two cents about getting said license in the first place.
Edited 8 years ago
Of course, anyone who cares about being a parent is going to research parenthood in any case, and the ones that don't give a shit are also the ones that wouldn't give two cents about getting said license in the first place.
Even better would be a license for having children like for cars 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Abstinence is already a part of true sex education. The problem is too many people dont want true sex education and only want abstinence education and that solves nothing. It actually makes the situation worse with higher instances of pregnancy and stds because kids will have sex anyway and not know any preventative measures...but people are stupid and will continue to be stupid.
Even better would be a license for having children like for cars 19 comments
· 8 years ago
That would require them to not teach abstinence only. After all, you dont need to know how to be a parent if you arent having sex...my god, the crisis actually wanting to know things causes...
Gender equality isnt real 36 comments
· 8 years ago
Hence the part where i said "People who are falsly accused have been found guilty. Our justice system clearly doesnt work."
Gender equality isnt real 36 comments
· 8 years ago
Um...i know? But just because you have no evidence doesnt mean it didnt happen. Thats often why a DA wont try a case. Even when you have undeniable evidence it can be fucked up and people can walk free on technicalities. People who are falsly accused have been found guilty. Our justice system clearly doesnt work.
Edited 8 years ago
Gender equality isnt real 36 comments
· 8 years ago
The problem being how do you decide its false? How many people get away with real rape because women dont report until after the evidence is gone. Rape is traumatic and humilating and even more so to report it. Youre probed and questioned and quite often blamed over and over again by countless people until its far easier to let it go than be further traumatised.
Im not saying they shouldnt be punished for lying, but being able to prove when a person was ACTUALLY raped is something our justice system cant do right now.
Im not saying they shouldnt be punished for lying, but being able to prove when a person was ACTUALLY raped is something our justice system cant do right now.
Very useful if you want to survive in the wild 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Its not talking about 70 degree hiking weather. Extreme heat or cold needs shelter. Hence the snowy picture.
What equality means 16 comments
· 8 years ago
But we don't all have an equal chance...unless merely being alive is the equivalence line.
Weight destruction 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Given I was raped 6 years ago, I know exactly what I'm talking about. It's not going overboard. That's the mentality. A girl doesn't want to smile, the guy takes it as a personal insult, and takes it to the next level. So it's her fault she got raped because she didn't smile? yeah...sounds like you're the type that'd rape someone.
Weight destruction 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Because more often than not a woman being told to smile is degrading. Not only is it often associated with cat calls and unwarranted sexual advances, but it implies a woman is meant to perform for you. She doesnt need to smile for you. If she wanted to smile, she would have.
If you dont see that its degrading, youre perpetuating our current societal misogyny that turns "hey baby smile for me" into a woman being raped.
Edited 8 years ago
If you dont see that its degrading, youre perpetuating our current societal misogyny that turns "hey baby smile for me" into a woman being raped.
Taking advise from civil war 6 comments
· 8 years ago
A good attemp if hed stopped but he ruined it with his next line!
Edited 8 years ago