Arguments over! 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Mine wont unroll it but if one gets tissue of any kind she will shred it to bits.
The "Lion King" at home 4 comments
It’s my animal 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I feel jealous when my cat chooses to sit on my mom when she visits and yet shes on me all the time otherwise and it annoys me. So irrational.
True though 18 comments
· 6 years ago
While I agree it should be about not bullying fat people, there are honestly obese people who say theyre healthy and theyre the ones often given the most attention as the fat acceptance movement. Kind of how misandry is becoming synonymous with feminism. Its wrong but its what the masses see.
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Must not be in the south I guess. But then Southerners are well known for being backwards. A bad relationshop can screw up anyones mind. A good one can help a screwed mind heal. You all see it as negative automatically for some reason. Thats cool. Like Ive said, I dont know what theirs is. Not gonna comment on it since I dont know.
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Nah, I don't care too much. You want to throw lower ages in as an argument but again, we're talking a relationship that can exist with 2 highschoolers. Seniors date freshman. I assure you this isnt the only case of a senior dating a freshman across the country. You only see numbers. I see a common enough situation so as long as its not sexual theres nothing wrong.
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Do you really consider an 18 year old to be all that smart? 17 year olds are stupid as dirt but suddenly 18 year olds are adults and emotionally mature? Doesnt quite work like that. I lived in a house with emotionally abusive parents, at least when they were there. I had to grow up fast. Some people are mature at 13. Some are still immature at 30. Not likely this boy is mature but acting like the girl knows better is expecting a bit much. She could have helicopter parents who never allowed her to actually mature. If parents are there for a reason, perhaps his mother is okay with it. Maybe theyre not together all the time, dependant on her. We cant know what their life is like regardless of how people are portrayed on social media. If the kids happy and not sexual with her, its not something authorities would care about. Its just something the internet enjoys spouting their opinions on.
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
· 6 years ago
While its true in the development sense, a fellow student, friend, teacher, mentor, parent, relative can manipulate and adversely affect a person. Its not something people can be protected from. It will happen regardless. We're all an amalgamation of these interactions, good and bad.
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Dating is fine. Sex is different. They wait 5 years and no one cares. My parents are 3 years apart, my grandparents 12. A 17 year old senior dating a 13 year old freshman and suddenly that 17 year old is 18 isnt a big deal imo. But if theyre flouting a sex life on social media (i know nothing about this) then they deserve the hate.
Edited 6 years ago
Trumpets are the best 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Trombone was the best. Frustrating since the slide doesnt exactly say hey stop at this spot exactly for G but so much fun. I just never could read the music fast enough to be any good past middle school.
Based on this logic what are you? 29 comments
· 6 years ago
Catwoman? My kittens are just getting their adult teeth and my fingers are their favorite object.
Asked my husband to cut the avocado in half - he said "sure" 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Cut right through. My knife was that sharp the first time i used it and nearly did the same thing just when i went to pop the pit out. Went too deep and cut the side of my hand. Far more careful with my knife now that i realize how a good knife actually is.
Racism for dummies 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Not the egg shell. Thats genetic. The color of the yolk is based on what the chicken is fed.
10/10 would play 25 comments
Oof. Pro-facts 48 comments
· 6 years ago
Human parasite. It cant survive without its host and steals all your nutrition to survive.
Take your Time. Papa's shouldn't Hide their Emotions. What is your Story? 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Yea. My parents got divorced after 31 years and I was just like hallelujah finally. Cause constant fighting and being in the middle all the time just fucks kids up.