Jason Strickland


— Jason Strickland Report User
Lying next first 1 comments
jethro_bob · 18 weeks ago
I always confuse these things and shave my eyebrows by mistake, can I get the same except in a mirror image?
Wholesome Substance 13 comments
jethro_bob · 22 weeks ago
i missed the money part, how do i go back?
Got a Pineapple Plant today 1 comments
jethro_bob · 32 weeks ago
It still ticks me off that these don't grow on trees.
Quizzical rainy unnatural 2 comments
jethro_bob · 32 weeks ago
Every supervillain starts somewhere.
Nurses standing with mentally ill patients wrapped in wet linens. Thought to be calming 2 comments
jethro_bob · 37 weeks ago
Complainers get lobotomies. You're getting ice water blankets and you'll pretend to like it.
Resistance is Voltage over Ampere 1 comments
jethro_bob · 37 weeks ago
Transistors are just modern day tubes. It's just the old testament vs the new testament all over again.
2 · Edited 37 weeks ago
Ensconced rotten honest 4 comments
jethro_bob · 38 weeks ago
Go into your current office and do a 'work from' home from there for double pay. Bonus points if you ask coworkers for help.
Moms type of thing 1 comments
jethro_bob · 47 weeks ago
The real criminal is the group trying to subvert the Bill of Rights.
Tis but a flesh wound 4 comments
jethro_bob · 47 weeks ago
T'is just a scratch
***in right 2 comments
jethro_bob · 50 weeks ago
No, they decided my things are worth more than their life. I am simply respecting their choice. If I merely injure them or they injure themselves, I could be held liable for their medical bills. A funeral is cheaper than a hospital stay.
5 · Edited 50 weeks ago
Man, the eighties were wild man. 4 comments
jethro_bob · 50 weeks ago
That was the cigarette stains on everything. I don't miss the stickiness.
Become what you fear 2 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
My takeaway is, if I don't clean up my messes someone else will. Like Santa or the tooth fairy.
Tough Choice 6 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
As a middle aged adult, I have none of these things.
The big pp 6 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
A person on facebook told me that swelling due to bee stings is permanent. I have no desire to test his claims.
Hint : He says "LETS-A-GO" 2 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
Toad. Little dude gets rescued in all but the last castle in the original SMB game.
The temptation 2 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
I can take control of any of the voices in my head any time I like.
It really was painful… 3 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
Had a few with buffers like that, my cd's worked great. My friend's cd's that lived in a stack on whatever surface, not so much.
For shame! 3 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
youtube /watch?v=y-4GJHgyY_Y
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Potatoes! 5 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
15 max power is correct, no decimal. Average a horse's output over a day, one horse has roughly 1 horsepower.
POV you are dead 4 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
I once found a whole set of oddly colored pool balls in an old barn, I'm mostly still alive.
I send a heart emoji 2 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
Not op, but that's more words than I sometimes care to use in a day.
There’s be no wars 3 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
We would have monthly wars, and if anyone asks "why" the answer would be, "They know what they did."
There is no good country in history? 7 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
First google result: Iceland has an ongoing dispute with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands) on the one hand and with the UK and Ireland on the other hand, concerning claims to the continental shelf in the Hatton–Rockall area of the North Atlantic under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982).
Nom nom 5 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
I've heard some preachers say we become a part of the "lord's body".
Oh noes, socialism! 4 comments
jethro_bob · 1 year ago
You mean the all powerful God, creator of the universe? Seems to be within his power, yes. Or mankind could have obeyed and not got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
· Edited 1 year ago