You caame here expecting to see a pic of somebody sexy didn't you? Well i can't blame you sir/miss cause i just am that good.
— Mendy Friedman Report User
my reaction to the new iPhone and iwatch 26 comments
· 10 years ago
That has nothing to do with the post, but to answer. No the s5 is priced at $600.
The new iPhone 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank god! (Warning long comment). All I'm seeing now is pages saying, "apple is back", or "apples designs are second to none". Let me be the first to say, no. Apple hasn't had "it" since the iPhone 4s, with siri. In terms of there designs, the smart watch isn't even nice enough to beat out rival Samsung, and don't even get me started with comparing it to the moto 360. On top of all this apple has decided to create their own coding language, so that devs will now have to invest time and money into a language only used by one platform. Apple has been behind since 2011 and will continue.
The man from the math books. 17 comments
Pretty Much 14 comments
I can read this! 30 comments
72,519 stones 10 comments
· 10 years ago
There was allot of responses i was expecting............... this wasn't one of them. (and book)
The religion golden rule 20 comments
He gets all the ladies 19 comments
The religion golden rule 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Its funny how Judaism and Islam has such similar qualities yet there's always fighting.
Well this no longer applies 36 comments
Deadpool's private vid got leaked! 48 comments
Well this no longer applies 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Technically it is considered negligence and you wouldn't get any insurance money if you didn't lock your front door. Not trying to say what the guy did was right, not at all, but not taking the pictures would've saved them allot of trouble.
Well this no longer applies 36 comments
· 10 years ago
I find it more shameful that our society cares more about celebrities than it's future.