

I'm just here to try and make mialinay giggle or shit. Wait, that second part doesn't sound quite right. Oh well...

— jmmcclain Report User
No octupusses here 29 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Yesss! Now I'm browsing pajamas. Ooh matching octopus pajamas! I can pull these off
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Bu..bu..but @mialinay is our friend. We can't steal her baby. I'm a little bit over drama, but...Idk. *goes to library* You guys gots any books on street fighting? I think I know a guy who knows a guy who can get me a flame thrower.
Odin, the magically good boi 9 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
He looks suspiciously magiciously
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Put it back @aviva! Put it back! That's a nice bike. I've been trying to figure out what kind of bike to get. I made a trail near a school I lived by when I was younger and used to ride my bike there. The trail was horrible with steep hills and dips, but it was fun. @mialinay I live in the southeastern United States at the tail end of that Appalachian mountains (that seems vague - if it was just you I'd be more specific, but internets is scary. Wait should I ask for mialinay's number...hmm I'll think about it lol). Good advice! I'll get a good lock. @aviva *sobs uncontrollably* I'd never abandon you. Let's go cheese some bikes.
Dark was the night, cold was the ground 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
You can stream that voyager album on spotify...just you know fyi
No octupusses here 29 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
High rule 2 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
This is nice. I like this.
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
@aviva I think you have a problem haha. Granted I appreciate your mischief. I think @mialinay and I need to hold an intervention for your kleptomania. @mialinay I've been looking at bikes! Like yesterday. What kind of bike do you have? There are some awesome trails walking distance from where I live. You all are both far away...makes me sad. I can move to Germany. Yea, I can do that *starts packing*
The best piece of bathroom graffiti 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Brother? *holding back tears* That you brother? Get over you big lug and give your brother hug.
will he win though? 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
What show?
will he win though? 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I legitamately do stuff like this
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
:) I think you're like seven hours ahead of me. Bluh, okay I'm going to go work on changing time for us.
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Haha I'm not certain anyone could. It's a silly shirt, but it reminded me of you so... Where are you at - geographically speaking? Germany? You don't have to say if you don't want. It's pretty early in the morning for me now
I had zombie eyes here 119 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
@mialinay I keep seeing advertisements for an octopus shirt. Is this your witchery? Honestly I might would get one, but it's like this insanely flamboyent tight looking shirt lol. I don't think I could pull that off
Necc 14 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Magnified surface of a strawberry 5 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Haha yes. You ya goon. I do love strawberries though. I got in the habit of eating them for breakfast. Didn't have any today.. Had some blackberries with yogurt. It was game changer.
Magnified surface of a strawberry 5 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
^my favorite person here
Husbands working late, wanted to spice things up 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Okay future wife you got this. I'd be happy with a picture of you smiling or maybe doing something silly. That sounds corny doesn't it.. Food is nice
Never felt 1 min so long 10 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Is it weird that I actually liked this?
It all fits 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Obi-Wan Ke Nope
Rich people problems 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I have a lot of random things in my wallet. Like there is a square dance lessons card in there. I've never been square dancing and I don't remember where it came from... I probably should clean it out. Also, it smells because I went swimming with pants on and didn't know my wallet was in them. So it has that watery smell. I keep telling people it smells when I take it out and then I get weird looks and have to explain the swimming thing and emphasize that my ass doesn't just smell bad. Well, I'm sure it's not all butterflies and rainbows down there. Clearly I've said too much.
To everyone with a broken heart or broken trust relationship 16 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Yes! I might would hug you
To everyone with a broken heart or broken trust relationship 16 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Haha so I don't know if I mistyped or it slipped. I'll admit I noticed it before submitting the comment, but thought you'd get a laugh out of it. Trying to build that thrust over here lol
Metric calendars. No more imperial nonsense 19 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
This would be nice. need a little chaos every now and then. All hail Zandender!