

I'm just here to try and make mialinay giggle or shit. Wait, that second part doesn't sound quite right. Oh well...

— jmmcclain Report User
Found this on quora 17 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Favorite ice cream flavors. Go:
Found this on quora 17 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
*spoon hanging out of mouth with tub of ice cream in lap* whaa?
Always the eldest get bashed 11 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Good! That's what I was going for lol. Nah, just want you be okay
Smile 11 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
That's okay. I'll swing with you
Colored pencil skull 1 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I can't even color
Smile 11 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Stop that! You're amazing
Always the eldest get bashed 11 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Better be
Always the eldest get bashed 11 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
You okay?
Bless you, smol child 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
*holds back tears* I'm okay
Why not 6 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
*puts plate and silverware up :(
Cold Bread-skordahlia 108 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
@aviva you're amazing. It's going to be awkward if you hug me because I'm just not gonna let go and carry you around everywhere
Cold Bread-skordahlia 108 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
CrrrRrreerRrrRrrRRrRRRUUUUNNNCH 1 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
+10 to Gryffindor for that title
Zombie land 2 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Which one are you today? 7 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Hey you
Only way to save the planet 14 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I like this one. I came up with a few, but they were on the ends of a spectrum - either really dirty or innocent.
We.Are.Not.Safe 6 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Pupdate 13 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I cuddles wid? Yes, I cuddles with. Thanks for the update!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Imagine if it rained as well. 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Very much so
My sweet puppy <3 10 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I know you just gave an update 5 mins ago, but could we get another update?
I found an old picture of us praising the dog 3 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I was given some old pictures not so long ago. Some of them are pretty funny. Praise doggo - our bark and savior. So I had this dogtag necklace that for the longest time as a kid I thought it said DOG. Kid me thought it made sense
Which one are you today? 7 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Some cursed gif :) I am not that sorry 4 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Shoot this into the sun please
This is what ~$1.6 billion USD worth of gold looks like 5 comments
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
Errgh..sorry. I changed my mind. You can haz shiny rock