zakk = bad ass 16 comments
· 9 years ago
wait i cant see it clearly-what happened in the second picture?
Alien Batman believes in gender equality 18 comments
Since no one can post any hateful comments, heres two men in love getting married!:) 53 comments
· 9 years ago
i was amazed at how little media coverage there has been of it, at least here in the UK. it's such a massive and positive step for the USA but we've heard very little of it- the news has more focussed on the shooting in Tunisia. A terrible thing but right now people need a little positivity and the new equality for gay marriage in America could achieve that.
Since no one can post any hateful comments, heres two men in love getting married!:) 53 comments
· 9 years ago
i'm afraid that is a job for other gay people- sorry you're missing out, i bet they're loving it.
perhaps go look for some straight people-oh wait sorry, they all said no be because you're a childish douche hiding behind anonymous. Have fun alone- maybe spend the time to find a nice attitude.
perhaps go look for some straight people-oh wait sorry, they all said no be because you're a childish douche hiding behind anonymous. Have fun alone- maybe spend the time to find a nice attitude.
so true 6 comments
Let the discussions begin! *laughs evil* 34 comments
· 9 years ago
okay if a girl gives a little warning to another girl who is obviously flirting,that's fine by me- just a "Sorry but the way you're acting with him just makes me a little uncomfortable-i don't mind you being friends but could you please tone down the flirt?" that's fine. BUT THAT SHIT IN THIS POST IS NOT COOL
Fat acceptance is murder 72 comments
· 9 years ago
i would agree i wouldnt put it up there with child abuse.but to allow it to continue is certainly not good parenting
One sentence sad story 58 comments
That's why I love dogs 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think it's supernatural, sorry. it's probably just their sense of smell.if the owner's relatives/friends bring the dog to the grave, it might be able to recognise the scent or even a photo, acknowledge the emotions coming from those around it- dogs can understand at LEAST the basics of human emotion- and then put it together. they may have even been brought to the funeral and watched the coffin be buried.
That cute smirk 16 comments
· 9 years ago
whether her smile is nice or not (I love it), I certainly wouldn't hesitate if I was given the opportunity to look like her! she's gorgeous!
That cute smirk 16 comments
· 9 years ago
that is her smile- she said it's in her family, her sister has the same smile.
Any girl's wedding nightmare 34 comments
· 9 years ago
are you kidding!? Well, to be fair it's her new fiancé's fault, not hers
Any girl's wedding nightmare 34 comments
It would be fair 19 comments
· 9 years ago
depends on the situation for me. Sometimes there's a disability of some kind- I think if you have disabilities up to a certain extremity, it should be optional, but not compulsory. However, if you're not (can't put it in a way that doesn't sound harsh) dying, and you are still mostly physically capable- I think it would be good to do community service- however there are of course some people who are in too dire a situation to be able to work.
Free 10 comments
· 9 years ago
dude it's Finding Nemo i think you're reading a little too much into it
Yummy tummy 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I wouldn't say she's fat at all. Don't get me wrong, she's not skinny, but she's just on the larger size of average- and it's okay. From what little you can see, she has healthy skin, no stretch marks, and her weight I would say is relatively healthy.
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
so in short you have nothing else to do so you thought you'd try and provoke some people online because it gives you a feeling of self-worth and pride. I'd also bet money that you in no way act in real life the way you do on this site- or if you do it would explain how bitter you are, because I fail to see how anybody would find that attitude appealing.
Oh, that male privilege of mine! 48 comments
· 9 years ago
what I worry is that a lot of people will vote for her solely because she is a woman- regardless of her policies.
Oh, that male privilege of mine! 48 comments
· 9 years ago
In a less aggressive response- the issue is that it isn't just women. Husbands get left behind too, sons, brothers, fathers- the list goes on. the only difference is that there are more men in the army than women- but that doesn't mean the women left behind suffer more than the men left behind.
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
precisely alxx. ns, why would somebody so big and tough want to spend time on a site full of 'weak pieces of shit'? why don't you go and find somewhere else where there are people (god forbid) like you? I can't find any reason you'd want to stick around- if it was just to see the posts, you wouldn't bother looking at the comments sections unless your sole intention was to purposefully look for comments that you disagree with or simply so you can find opportunities to piss people off. Either option is pretty sad really.
*quietly* he should just cook meth 24 comments
· 9 years ago
that and England is really getting strict about the NHS here. There's a lot of debate over immigration and the NHS and such- lots of people are getting angry that they're having to pay for the healthcare of people in other countries- especially countries with first world medical skills. I personally have mixed views on it- but if somebody is dying, they have a right to healthcare, you shouldn't have to pay to keep your life no matter where you are.
*quietly* he should just cook meth 24 comments
· 9 years ago
you can't try and justify this based on an assumption. Nor should you be trying to demean this man as a bad or idiotic person- he is sacrificing his life so that his family can live theirs without debt hanging over their heads all the time. Nobody that caring deserves to die young.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to become another hero 13 comments
· 9 years ago
...can you specify who you are talking about? There are four men here who can be classified as 'he'.