

Joshary Report User
Just double- checking 4 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Blue Mountain State. Love this show
Toe beans 6 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
It looks like if the paws were shaved, and it's just human hands underneath.
Well I know lots of horror stories 60 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Daddy, where's mommy's face?
Can I borrow your car? 5 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Yeah, I hope the wipers work.
Can I borrow your car? 5 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Either that or the dust in the air.
Real question 7 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Yeah deaf people yawn too. You think just because someone can't hear, that means they aren't burdened with the crippling weight of school and work and life in general and never feel the sweet call of sleep beckoning them at all hours, like the rest of us? Pssh.
The third Hemsworth 5 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
No Matt Damon was Loki.
Peter Dinklage is just amazing 2 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
I just like to think that the casting process went like this:
"Hey Peter, we'd really like you to play a character in the new film."
"Perhaps, what's the character?"
"Well... you'd be playing a dwarf who helps Thor."
"A dwarf? I'm a serious actor and I don't want to be typecast like this."
"Oh no, you'll be 15 feet tall."
This inflatable sleep hoodie lets you nap anywhere 2 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
nah nah get yourself a onepiece travel jumpsuit, it's got so much more on top of the inflatable hood.
1 of top 10 phenomenon scientists still can't understand 1 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Steve Carrell?
Censorship has changed over the years 6 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
To follow suit, if I ever asked someone if they were retarded (because of something idiotic or ignorant they did, and not because it seemed like they had an actual mental illness) and then it turned out they actually did have a mental illness, I would immediately apologize and feel bad about it. I wouldn't use that word to describe that person ever again, but I'd still use the word if my friends were being stupid about something.
Basketball dog sets up the alley-oop 2 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
basketball dog? I think we all know that dog's name, let's not call him by a label in the news, here.
Merp derp 9 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
I just don't understand why people insist on making their vegetarian or vegan food options resemble other foods in look or name. That is in no way a cheeseburger. That's not technically cheese (vegan cheese isn't by definition cheese) and it isn't a burger. I'm okay with people eating vegan but just come up with your own terms for stuff.
Wormy hand 6 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
gomu gomu no rifle
Good old days at McDonald's 11 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Never seen the top left in my life. Looks like a bitchin time though.
Let me help you 1 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
The reason I don't like Fortnite 3 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
I didn't see the fortnite part at first and I thought the kid was flossing her teeth and I'm like hey give the kid a soda, she's clearly got good hygiene. Then when I got to the arms swinging wildly, I was lost.
Astana, khazakhstan 4 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Very nice, I like!
Both ways 11 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
group 1 flags me down complaining that they ordered before the other people, where is their food? Well I say sorry because pizzas take a lot longer than salads and it will likely be another 15 to 20 minutes until theirs is ready (because the restaurant is literally full of people). Another 10 minutes goes by, (30 since they ordered and the ticket was rang in, but closer to 40 since they began their order and it took 5 minutes to type all of their changes into the system) and luckily everything was right except for one pizza. It has a topping it shouldn't but I don't know how to prove to you it wasn't my fault, but I don't want to rudely point fingers at the kitchen staff because they are SWEATING back there. So yeah, the kitchen messes up sometimes, but since you don't watch your food being made, oftentimes the blame goes straight to the only face you see, your server.
Also, I hope the ridiculous issue of servers bringing you random replacements for what you order is a rare occurrence.
Both ways 11 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
I'm sorry you feel that way, and it does happen when it shouldn't. There are however, just as many reasons that people sometimes don't understand when it isn't the servers fault. In the past, I've had 2 groups arrive at nearly the same time, sit near each other close enough so that they can see when the others' food arrives. It's a busy Saturday night during peak business hours and there's a wait to get in. The kitchen staff is doing everything they can to get food out as quickly as possible, and the servers are doing the same. One group orders a bunch of pizzas with a lot of substitutions and it takes a few minutes to get around the table even if there's only 5 or 6 people because of the level of detail in the order. Group 2 is ready to order 5 minutes later and orders 6 large salads all as they come. I rang the first order in already, before group 2 even decided they wanted salads. Fast forward say...15 minutes, and the salads for group 2 are ready. They go to the table and
Both ways 11 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
I would gladly get rid of tipping too in exchange for a set hourly wage. What I was trying to say is that whether or not the changes can or will take place, everyone knows how it is right now. There are people who think "if I don't tip at a place that I know the employees are paid way below minimum wage, and everyone else does the same, it will become a problem enough so that employers will have to change how they pay their employees, so I'm doing a good deed and being progressive." That isn't helping because right now, those people are too few and far between to have a real effect, but they affect those they don't tip plenty. Then there are the "why should I tip on top of the money for the food?" If you want to only pay for the food, go to a restaurant without servers and get the food yourself from the counter or whatever the set up is. If the only business I lose is from people who wouldn't have tipped anyway, I only save time and energy to better serve those who would.
Both ways 11 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
Tipping is so widely accepted as norm here that I don't accept the "make your employers pay you more, it's their job not the customers." Unless every single person in the country decides overnight at the same time to stop tipping for good, those laws aren't going to change. If you go out to eat and everything goes well, and whether or not the food takes longer than hoped, but you know your server did everything they could and did a good job, yet you still don't tip or tip very poorly (18-20% is the average these days in the US), because you have the mindset of "it's not my job to pay them extra for my food, I already paid for it, it's this amount in the menu" you're a jerk. If you can't afford those prices, eat at home or go somewhere without service or go to a cheaper restaurant.
Bob Ross costume 8 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
My friend and I did this last Halloween (I'm a guy and she's a she) and I said okay we can do it but only if you're Bob Ross. So I went as the painting and we called her Babe Ross.
Fly shotgun that fires salt 8 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
That's actually what it's called. "Bug-A-Salt"
Raven cosplay 7 comments
joshary · 5 years ago
"I'm really trying to showcase my body by wearing an appropriately sized sweatshirt, I hope that's what they take away from this and what they inevitably end up discussing in the comments."
Also, I like to think the cup is full of damned souls.