

— Joshary Report User
Can't relate 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
My first thought was why were they trying to touch their face to their ass before the hormones came into play?
Was lining up to checkout and realise how this is gonna look 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
"All right, first we're having dinner and...oh dang, we've got all the ingredients except for some cucumber. I'll have to go pick one up. Next is dessert. Ice cream? Check. Chocolate syrup? Check. Cherries? Check. Whipped cream? Oh heck. Add it to the list. Next is hot chocolate by the fire, right? We've got the firewood, good. and then... oh poop. Get the chocolate. And then of course we'll end it with some sassy numnums.... what? Ah shoot."
How do you turn this on 5 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
My favorite was the super fast laser bears.
Does it mean if I put a sun infront of my neighbor's window, I can see her changing? 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
*goes outside to see the stars behind the sun*
*stumbles back inside, blinded*
Over 11 years, John Cena has granted 500 wishes for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. That 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Look at his left sleeve.
Oh youuu fell so hard, you are a fool! Cena got you so good!
13, 14, 15 13 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Idk I mean... I never use military time but I know how to tell it. Personally my reasoning is that it isn't widely used enough here that if I know I have a 430pm appointment, and I look at someones clock and it says its 1519 I gotta say shit am I late what actual time is it? and then do the conversion in my head. It doesn't take long of course, but I see it like if I asked someone how fast a thing was moving or how much of an ingredient to add and they gave me metric, I'd be like "no I didn't ask for a math problem."
She's the chosen Susan 6 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Some of the alcohol it is still absorbed in the cheeks so somebody's 40lb kid kid is still getting turnt given enough tasting.
Die ants 8 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
She's going to restore the Dark Crystal.
They are the real MVP 6 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I'm just saying... I see a post titled "people who are the queen" and then I'm shown a person who I have never seen once in my life... that chick no queen.
They are the real MVP 6 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Uh no. Who cares. Put up Beyonce.
A blimp nonetheless 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I like the casual mention of not the basement or the bottom basement, but "the very, very bottom basement." He isn't allowed in either the east or west wings, nor is he allowed in the area 53 basement 34 floors below the white house where we keep the aliens, the cures to all of the diseases, the only copy of half life 4, and the best slices of bacon ever to exist. He doesn't need any more bacon.
Why are the holes so small 3 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I obviously can't speak for ALL men, but that guy is f*cking stupid.
Tanzania oil tanker explosion 4 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Damn that Gale and his 2 tier bombs.
Can't wait to see how the dog looks like 6 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Is that Ciri?
Would love to work for him!! 11 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
This isn't directly related to this post and I can't remember where I heard it before, but someone was talking about a business that dealt with customers like a restaurant or retail or something and used examples like when a customer complained about poor service, the employee was reprimanded since "the customer is always right" even when the customer had a ludicrous complaint or ridiculous request. In the end they said "businesses that always put their customers ahead of their employees may succeed, but when a business puts their employees first and treats them like real people, the employees will take care of the business and help it to thrive if they actually enjoy being there." This post just reminded me of that, and I thought it was nice, that will be all.
My entire wine knowledge in one meme 2 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
*swirling glass and smelling*
"Ah, yes, do I detect a hint of grapes?"
The wall scares me 22 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I'm having issues just imagining meeting someone new and going to their house to get squishy and walking into a bedroom where the bed only touches the bottom. Honestly, it's a fear I've never legitimately had to experience.
Yennefer of Vengerburg cosplay by Tahnee Harrison 4 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Is she on the PS3?
You know that right? 14 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
"yes, but they don't know we know they know we know" Of course, we could go round and round. It's not necessary. I was only attempting to bring attention to the fact that 1. whether or not you meant to come off as judgmental or condescending towards the person in the post, that was how I perceived it and 2. yes, it's very much your right to comment and also to comment on my comment of your comment. My intent wasn't to imply you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on the topic, it was more... just let the post exist. It's funsubstance, it's meant for humor, and if you didn't enjoy it, move on. If you thoroughly didn't enjoy it, downvote it and then move on.
You know that right? 14 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I agree. It IS a free country. That guy is free to say whatever he wants to that girl without random people neither of them have ever met online writing a short novel about how garbage they are. (Also, I know I used guy and girl, but only to keep context with previous comments. Nowhere in the post does it actually mention which gender either of those people are. Shame on you for assuming. I can say that... it's a free country.)
This is fine 1 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
The spongebob on the right always bothered me, because the original face is not laughing, it's utter shock. but sporngeboob throws on the face with the other gigglers and is there anyone else on my page or just me?
Sleep paralyses demon dancing 5 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
How many eyebrows?
Rip to those guys 5 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
I mean I believe that if the Infinity Stones have the power to erase and bring back half of all life in existence, they can manage to put them where the snapper expects them to be.
Share the road! 1 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
Yeah cool, move over!
He's gonna love 'em all 6 comments
joshary · 4 years ago
This is one of those things that I've never even considered being a thing, until it is and suddenly I'm like "Duh, what took so long?"