How do I fix my Mac? 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Try watering it
Australia is a weird place 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Trust me, we all legit say this stuff. Come to Australia and you'll see
So there is one force of Nature not trying to kill Australians. 11 comments
· 9 years ago
We do sometimes get earthquakes, so what Lily said is false, but generally we don't
it is the funniest thing ever 44 comments
Pretty much 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Yzma is one of most relatable Disney characters tbh. I mean, aren't we all trying to kill the emperor?
The shittiest job in the world 17 comments
Seriously, Buzzfeed. 6 comments
Have Fun! 7 comments
the future is looking good 7 comments
Australia is not a place for humans 16 comments
Australia is not a place for humans 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol, no. Have you seen the size of our snakes?
Edited 9 years ago
This show was so good 29 comments
We should all be so noble 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok, I don't live in America and never have, so what is Black Friday??
How they see themselves in the mirror 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I've had both a cat and a dog, and they each have something that would make the, better then each other. But if you ever actually had a cat, they are loving and caring. There are also stories on cats saving their owners, not just dogs being the Hero. And what about the storyies of dogs attacking humans. Get your facts right first
How they see themselves in the mirror 6 comments
Gender equality exists 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok, but what about in China, where girls where killed so the family could have a boy, or in some countries where girls are sold at the age of 12 to older guys? How may I ask is this equal?
Cristiano Ronaldo in one gif 9 comments
· 9 years ago
*Aussie and
Footy is AFL, and soccer is the sport with the black and white ball
Footy is AFL, and soccer is the sport with the black and white ball