Abraham Lincoln when GTA V came out vs. When GTA VI was released, 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Looks kinda like Theo Von
What are we going to do? 1 comments
I've always found this funny 7 comments
France vs Gay vs Commie vs Confederate 8 comments
· 2 years ago
I like to think these are all different rooms in the one person's house
Listen 11 comments
· 2 years ago
I thought this was gonna be one of those lists where number 7 is "sacrifice lambs in a satanic ritual" and then the list would continue like nothing happened
Im kinda this way 1 comments
Larry Tesler, inventor of the cut, copy, and past e commands, dies at 74 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Larry Tesler, inventor of the cut, copy, and paste commands, dies at 74
My New Years Predictive Text Game for the Truly Bored 47 comments
· 3 years ago
My new year's resolution is to be a great day the most important for ey the end was a etto youearly next year compared the city of San Diego CA a lot to me that this was a pleasure meeting you in advance for the use of a great job of i y de Marseille y avait y a écrit bonjour madame je me permets donc a moins que ce soit en mon voiture cependant même pas de y de a lot of fun and then the you have a great weekend with the new world in a different way home please give us the best regards to my account and the only one who has the same building techniques however I have been in touch with the new capital of y avait des erreurs de saisie des données Ealot more outlines the the the and download the app and the portal was e tobe in touch with the following ad the same building as well and maybe a little more time into the office on the phone with you on something about e of E Frankl of a great day the Martian one has to happen in a different
No wonder the whole club was looking at her 6 comments
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
· 3 years ago
I put a spell on you and now I am working on a planet with no canines so I can create a powerful new email address again
This’ll be interesting 20 comments
· 3 years ago
Once upon a time, there was a temporary server error who was unfortunately unable to conquer the world to find a different pub by an ascendant to become a real person. Only the finest of the browsers could reverse it, but fortunately for our hero, they found their chance when a good idea accidentally deleted the old Carthaginians. Though the other elephant was reluctant, eventually the hero convinced them to give them a shot of my mates booze. The moment it happened, the actual cost of living was reversed and our hero once more became a Caliph.