Harsh but true? 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Well I mean, that IS how aging works.
Every idea is welcome 22 comments
· 5 years ago
When I had anxiety attacks I would go to my room and make it dark and lay down under the covers and listen to deep sleep music (YouTube or Spotify) for about twenty minutes. It almost always helped.
Edited 5 years ago
He's right 5 comments
“Wrong Century” by Tomas Kucerovsky 14 comments
When girls understand us 6 comments
Government contracts have high margins! 22 comments
· 5 years ago
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were building these detainment centers with friggin diamonds??? What the heck is vacuuming up that much money? Don’t just send them to school, send them to Harvard with that much cash.
Do you still play tabletop games ? 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Heck yeah, it is. My brothers love it so much they created their own custom cards.
Retarded garrulous Wolf 7 comments
Eugene was the ultimate procrastinator 8 comments
· 5 years ago
"Eugene was found dead by the side of the road on the 3-C Highway (U.S. 22) in Sabina, Ohio, 6-6-1929 and the deceased had no identification on his body except for a piece of paper in his pocket with a Cincinnati address written on it that turned out to be an empty lot. The police questioned a man that lived next to the lot and that man's name was Eugene. That is how this dead, middle aged black man was thusly named "Eugene" by the police. Littleton Funeral Home of Sabina, Ohio made available his remains for public viewing from 1929 through to 1964 (held in a small building behind the funeral home) in hope that someone would come forth to identify this man. Eugene remains an open case and his identity has never been solved. His stone marker simply reads, "EUGENE", Found Dead 1928, Buried 1964. This man is not a mystery to God and may he REST IN PEACE. Note ~ the original grave stone has been replaced with a new stone that has the correct date of death, year 1929" --www.findagrave.com
Dangerous glistening frightening Turkey 5 comments
Wait till you hear her purr 6 comments
· 5 years ago
You can become a home health care provider with $500 and a three week class.
Wait till you hear her purr 6 comments
· 5 years ago
But also consider that many kids pay their way through college and sometimes can get a partial or full ride through scholarships. Not to mention the many jobs that don’t require a degree.
M'lady 13 comments
· 5 years ago
There are pretty Amish. Some of them look a bit inbred, but some are very handsome/pretty.
How many mistakes have been made in ignorance 11 comments
Super sized slip n slide fun 2 comments
· 6 years ago
When my fren
Take me to pley
They bump me hard
Into the lake
They not mean to
I not mad
I swim wif frens
It make me glad
Edited 6 years ago
Take me to pley
They bump me hard
Into the lake
They not mean to
I not mad
I swim wif frens
It make me glad
Eating pineapple one berry at a time 3 comments