

In place of friends and relationships, I have sarcasm and a gun.

— teenage_dirtbag Report User
Appreciate the parents you have... 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
The feels.. Oh the feels
when you and some kid have the same name 23 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I went up to someone calling my name one time, turns out they were talking to someone else behind me who had the same name as me. I quietly just walked away.
The day-to-day effect on a woman in an abusive relationship 21 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I never said it was stupid and I wasn't trolling. I agree it's very mentally exhausting and confusing for those who are abused to walk away from a relationship like that. I just have never seen this type of documentary.
· Edited 10 years ago
Lava floor decoration 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Where was this when I was a kid?
The day-to-day effect on a woman in an abusive relationship 21 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Thats a bit extreme, I think they just meant to get the fck out of the relationship instead of taking hundreds of pics showing you getting beat up.
The day-to-day effect on a woman in an abusive relationship 21 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Is this real? I understand documenting an illness but to document yourself being beaten while staying in the relationship..
Time to leave the ocean forever. 15 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Nope times nope.
yup 7 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Pop off.
Iron mike 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Amazing makeup to look like celebrities 18 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Sister in law
Can't talk about 22 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Rule #1 You don't talk about fight club.
I wonder..... 15 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
He literally said that the world would be better without school. This is his face when he was in school.
FineSubstance 15 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
They're watching High School Musical.
Very true :| 3 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
The money runs out faster than it comes in.
When my lips are dry and I dont have chapstick 7 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
But then it burns! X(
This turtle has seen some shit 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Looks like Master Oogway as a baby. (Kung Fu Panda)
Owls 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I bet the whole class had a hoot after hearing that.
Cigarettes and tampons 8 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Haha, petty but funny.
iPad vs nokia 8 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Is it the angle or is his left leg freakishly bigger than the right.
Open the door 2 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Does anyone else see Samuel L. Jackson?
Nailed It 9 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Moon moon junior wants to be a burrito when he grows up.
Mirror trick 15 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I can see right through you.
25 · Edited 10 years ago
Immortals, they are among us 22 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
And then there's Lindsay Lohan who has aged more in one year than all of these celebs put together.