

In place of friends and relationships, I have sarcasm and a gun.

— teenage_dirtbag Report User
Miss Universe costume category... wait for it... 38 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
What in the.. What are you and why?
Church Sign Fight 40 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Do you remember which passage says that? I just want to use the reference in the future
A girl who grew up with the animal kingdom 50 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Correct, thats a leopard and a cheetah and if I'm not mistaken.. A lion cub in the last picture.
10 · Edited 10 years ago
kayrey · 10 years ago
Are you one of the twins or the fifth wheel?
I see what you did there lol 10 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
That's Hoopz from Flavor of Love! At least she upgraded
And sometimes, the best. 2 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Not if you go to the library or a used books store.
Most daring guy in the world 16 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Must be nerve wracking to be his mother. I wouldn't never be able to sleep well
How some celebrities will look like in 20 years 11 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Omg her sister. I just about died.
Best reporter ever 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
He heard it through the grapevine
Phones now seem a bit backwards when you think about it 3 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Now it's just right.
Hiccup? More like 17 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Does he still have the same voice though?
Dave Grohl is one of my heroes. 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I never thought of those shows that way. He's right, never let anyone tell you that you're not good enough.
Dat ass 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Sofaking hot.
Yes, we are funsubstance 8 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Just before he passed away 18 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
His last time to reflect.
Clever pick up line 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
It would be better if the screen was right next to the bed.. Or above it.
Exactly 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Hehe <( ^-^)/
Exactly 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I'm under my leopard snuggie
Tell me you haven't done this before 14 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Maybe not so high pitched..
I love my fridge 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
It's what's on the inside that counts.
I need the "buy now" b*tton 18 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
No prob !
Scary thing about marrying 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Very deep considering they're usually full of shit.
I need the "buy now" b*tton 18 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I've just been staring at this for about two minutes.
I need the "buy now" b*tton 18 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Click "sections" at the top of the page and then click "shop".
Why brain? Why? 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Reminds me of this girl who always complains she has no one to talk to and then when someone asks her what's wrong she ignores them and doesn't wanna talk about it. -_-