

In place of friends and relationships, I have sarcasm and a gun.

— teenage_dirtbag Report User
Phone calls 1 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Me and an acquaintance were texting one night and then she told me to call her cause she wanted to tell me something. I literally started sweating.
When on a blind date during the winter 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
What gloves?
So. much. feels. 33 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
He's dying from cancer, not old age.
Awkward selfie 8 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Guest, you must be new here.
Saving the dogs 24 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Okay well this is one less slaughterhouse we have to worry about then.
Saving the dogs 24 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Not all animals are tortured, there are places that kill them in a more humane way. These slaughterhouses mentioned above were beating, drowning and electrocuting dogs.
Saving the dogs 24 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago · Edited 10 years ago
Not being racist, but blacks had it pretty bad back then 7 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Omg Karen, you can't just ask people why they're not white.
He Had a Good Enough Reason To Do It 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Yeah, the latest season was pretty good compared to season 3-4 though. Sigh
He Had a Good Enough Reason To Do It 6 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I agree, he did come back as the front showrunner for season 5 though. Aaand I just found out Community is officially canceled. ugh
· Edited 10 years ago
It's one or the other. Not both. Never both. 19 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Coke and Coca-cola are the same thing. This post is comparing Coca-cola and Pepsi, two different brands of soda.
emo nemo 8 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Touch the butt*
DANGER: Feels Ahead 21 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
The money from the fundraiser pays for the house for one year and he also was able to get a job.
Take it easy satans 24 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Every now and then the husband would switch the doors in the house that had door knobs on the left side with doors that have door knobs on the right side so that his wife would be reaching for the wrong side each time she tried to open the door.
All of the notes from med school from start to finish 21 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Is everyone gonna leave em hanging? High five* ( ^^)/
· Edited 10 years ago
No One Understands Me 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Math has too many problems.
2 · Edited 10 years ago
My new Favorite website 11 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Some people feel like it keeps the person close to them. Some people spread ashes and some keep them.
unamused 16 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
This reminds me of an episode in Community.
Annie: Remember that time you invited me to a pool party when it was really a baptism??
Shirley: Well excuse me for trying to sneak you into heaven!
Heroes Are Among Us... 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Oh the feels are so hard with this one.
Asking Out A Woman Like A Boss... 12 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
That happens sometimes when people smile. Happens to me too
Stop trying to make fetch happen! 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
It's not going to happen.
Apple's future plan for iphones and ipads 4 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
I believe that's the joke
Do You Want To Build a Family? 44 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
The answer is love, so if she was making love then it would turn out just fine!
yep 11 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
Their birthday only comes around every 4 years. Leap year.
they see me surfin' 5 comments
kayrey · 10 years ago
He's not half baaaad.