

I didn't choose the cat life the cats just keep showing up at my door
[Alliololananonami Nico]

— kcat Report User
Greetings from a Alabama McDonald's 5 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Why does this still feel like the exact sort of thing you’d do hahaha
That's Capitalism For Ya 5 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Why is it that the first thing that came to my mind is she could suck his dick standing up
40 year old Madlad 10 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
I’m glad I have a niece. I love her to death but her existence also reaffirmed the fact that I truly truly want none of my own and I’m so glad I met someone that feels the same way or it could’ve been tricky. I have the strong urge to take care of pets but not children, I think cause they are in comparison less of a responsibility. Plus I couldn’t give one a good life financially either. I just dream of career goals and traveling around doing whatever I was interested in at the time which is also not really something I can truly pursue with a kid. I like that there are more forever the uncle/aunt never the parent people XD
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Me buying a PC game in 2019 11 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Get a list of all the games you wanted that were released throughout the year - buy them all during Christmas / Black Friday sales XD
Our 3 year old just realized she has $23 7 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
That’s a cute kid
How not to lose your pet 5 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Asking the important questions here
Someone looks happy 5 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
If you “knew” a cat you could see three cats that look like him but still know how to pick them out. Just like that marine animals have special little markings, personalities and behaviors that can help you identify the same one each time. Funny story, at a dive site I had to frequently go to with guests, we had a juvenile sweet lips that had a marking on his face like a hitler stache. I called him fishler and for a good long time I’d know where he would be and could recognize him
Just let a teen nut 4 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Yes turn off the porn and let them watch the current music videos, advertisements and shows where women are...celebrated instead
Every generation has something they're ashamed of 14 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
You DONT want to look like you have a small animal on your head?
Chonk 2 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Look at that little leg
This is a little scary 7 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Wait please explain the no white after labour day thing?
· Edited 5 years ago
First time ever was good for something 1 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
That poor doggy does not deserve this abuse
This is a little scary 7 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
I didn’t know old people stared at Muslims
A-ha! I'll be goooooone 5 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Did you guys see the MTV unplugged version on YouTube? Soooo nice
Someone please buy them a Happy Meal 1 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Smol beans
A great thing to wear for the Autumn Costume Candy Day! 3 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Feeling like an evil midweek cutie, might delete later
'Machine learning' is the new cool nowadays 6 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Machine learning is a type of AI
I like tatortots 2 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
The girl in the first picture always looked like a small demon to me
Unless im ordering food 4 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
I swap the flavor for my cats so they only eat the same thing for a maximum of two weeks and they always get sooo excited on the swap day. I KNOW they enjoy it cause i mix it half and half on the first day and when I pour the old flavor unless someone was really hungry they won’t come but when I open the new packet all four will wake up from deep sleep if they must to come see what the new food tastes like. It’s so cute haha
You don't need to read dis title dammit, there is a f*cking red circle there! 2 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Thank god for the red circle
Literally would bang 4 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
This would be the expectations picture in a expectation vs reality meme ;) ;) ;)
Pretty much happens at my house too 7 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Where I’m from, you could maybe get 3% of the population of men that could function if left alone so in some circumstances it’s not a joke but the sad reality
Purple bad guy want make world better by murder half 1 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
Making memes on iPhone notes like -
Literally would bang 4 comments
kcat · 5 years ago
I’M DYING @nicengelman