I didn't choose the cat life the cats just keep showing up at my door
[Alliololananonami Nico]
Isis = f 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Oo oo I want in on that. But can I take them down after New Years?
10 years programmer 1 comments
· 5 years ago
In our defense we didn’t have access to the same kinda opportunities kids get these days. Super proud of the kid though. On a side note how is it that the population seems to be simultaneously getting smarter and stupider?
Is it 2004 again? 5 comments
Isis = f 4 comments
· 5 years ago
The amount of people with that I’m so much superior than you mentality is sadly alarming now
What bills you be paying to slam my doors 2 comments
This chunk of Aloe Vera 17 comments
When someone tries to cheer me up 3 comments
When someone tries to cheer me up 3 comments
We all hate it 18 comments
· 5 years ago
It isss when you have terrible social anxiety and don’t wanna confront the guy D:
Today's Solar Eclipse, Saudi Arabia. Wow 6 comments
Anon knows the lore 5 comments
· 5 years ago
No I’m just slightly sick of the mermaids shouldn’t be black elves shouldn’t be white debate. I have no problem with black or white elves or mermaids or whatever. I was just wondering if and when people would become represented enough that nothing needed to be done for that “need” to do it. Instead have it depend on the author or writer that just created the story? But if I think about it the world is lot more mixed and a lot less single raced now to begin with. Maybe in a few decades race would be so mixed up that we don’t have to worry about if we’re putting in enough of this or that and we focus on just treating each other as kindly as possible and everyone gets represented just because instead of their outward appearance.
Belgian Canaries have the best hairdos 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I thought of that too and two seconds later someone posted a side by side of this with the Beatles haha