I didn't choose the cat life the cats just keep showing up at my door
[Alliololananonami Nico]
My father is Ted Cruz 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Hurray for furries
The roaring twenties 19 comments
Guilty as charge 11 comments
· 5 years ago
If you’re important I would have you on my favourite list that can bypass dungeons and dragons
No tilta needed true words tho 5 comments
· 5 years ago
That’s actually pretty sweet, putting aside your differences for the greater good and teaching your children to be considerate and nice
Why you shouldn't wait until retirement to travel 3 comments
· 5 years ago
That looks like a jolly good time, taking a nap on a boat with your sweetheart on a lovely boat ride
You can get it, Margo 7 comments
Hail Satin, Lord of textile. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I identify as a Muslin and we might not be too strong and a tad too wrinkly but I think we contribute in our own way
Her brother OneTwoBuckleMyShoe was also very upset 18 comments
· 5 years ago
I think Ab city like abdominal city, while unique and all I think it just sets her up to be bullied for her entire life and kids have it hard as it is I just don’t see how it’s nice to do that just to have your own way or be unique. Imagine introducing yourself to every single person and having to say
A: Hey I’m abcity
P: Uh ebsitee?
A: a-b-c-d-e
P: I’m gonna stop you right there just tell me how to spell your name.
A: Uhh but that is..
P: Nvm just write it down
A: Hey I’m abcity
P: Uh ebsitee?
A: a-b-c-d-e
P: I’m gonna stop you right there just tell me how to spell your name.
A: Uhh but that is..
P: Nvm just write it down
Yes please 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Not that the relationship is unhealthy but being unable to communicate is. If the girl is mad at him and don’t text him she may take it as her being clearly pissed, him being a complete different person might genuinely think the girl is busy. Now they gotta fight cause clearly she was pissed and clearly he didn’t care. Meanwhile the guy is happy about not hearing from the girl and he might’ve actually OD’d on her in which case it might also be nice to tell her he needs some time for himself and then come back to address issues with a clear head. In the long run they’d be able to clear unnecessary misunderstandings don’t you think? We should be adult enough to not use petty ways to settle differences
How could he cheat on her 1 comments