Don't Be A Bad Person 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Umm... dogs communicate through facial expressions and physical interaction. They don't bark in order to talk to one another, they physically interact. Think about it, how many times do new dogs meet and instead of sniffing butts they bark bark bark back and forth in a conversational way. NEVER. When dogs bark it's because you commanded them, something is wrong/over exciting, or they are trying to dominate. I don't punish my dogs when they bark at the right time, but you better believe I'm going to swat a nose if he/she is barking at a passerby that's not even in my yard.
We are planning on this for my school! 10 comments
It's true with Labradors also! 15 comments
· 10 years ago
My golden LOVES balloons. He carries the tied end and then decides 'that's enough' and starts throwing it in the air and chasing it until it pops.
Pocket equality! 13 comments
· 10 years ago
If women had deep pockets they wouldn't fit anything anyway because women's jeans are so freaking tight!
Saw this prank on facebook 10 comments
The last one though 6 comments
· 10 years ago
My friend used to work at Panera and he said they would go to the restaurant hours before opening to bake the bread... I guess I assumed he meant they mixed ingredients together as well.
If Fb Existed During War 17 comments
Rebellion 3 comments
M&Ms Mega, Original and Mini 13 comments
· 10 years ago
You're probably in good shape, too... everything is "mega" in the U.S. And we are all overweight.. haha (well not all of us, but a good majority)
Cool mom though 8 comments
Accurate 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Well... we would have 'america' technically the land... but not the US.. you know what I mean.
Accurate 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Alright alright... if Jesus would have been born 30 years ago, we probably would not have America today because today's Christians would still be Jews. Therefore, the Christians that came to America to escape religious prosecution would not have been Christians and would not have had to escape said prosecution. Therefore, no United States... no republicans... no US news.
The queer folk 3 comments
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
· 10 years ago
*begin rant* Ok... things like this make me so mad. Do people not understand the difference between the old testament (old covenant) and new testament (new covenant)? Learn what you are talking about before posting something like this because it's really inaccurate and out of context. Leviticus is about practices, NOT BELIEFS. Modern, people loving Christ followers shave their faces and get haircuts. Some even have feelings for the same sex. Does that make them less desired by Jesus? NO! He takes you as you are. For all those 'gay hating' people out there, learn to love. I don't agree with gay marriage, but will you see me in a protest shouting profanities? NO! I have homosexual friends and we get along wonderfully. Just because we have some different beliefs doesn't mean we have to hate each other. Jesus loves you. Yes YOU, just as you are. *rant over*
Why I'm never ever having plastic surgery 18 comments
· 10 years ago
This is like profile pic vs. tagged photo. She is still stunning! Just a bad picture on the right.
Old economy people and their opinions 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm in my 20's. And I bought a house with an 8-5 job that is supposed to require a degree. I didn't have the degree, but they still let me in because of my potential.