Kik: kibblesmydog-I am a male internetist.- I enjoy stuff, video games (CS:GO!), art, and BOOKS!-
Fav dog: Sheltie-
Kik: Kibblesmydog
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Eat everything 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Or just have some self control and be responsible about your body and your habits... you know, like a normal person
Prison Break: The Prequel leaked footage 11 comments
You're rad ! 15 comments
· 7 years ago
I like the idea behind this. You should feel confident in your own skin and do what you want. However, when such people expect others to treat like they are "rad" it makes me angry
Back in my day 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Am I the only one that really doesn't care? I don't care 8f the government can wiretap me, check my messages, or read my emails. Its not like there is some government worker at a desk monitoring and reading your stuff. I have nothing to hide. Why do people make such a big fuss about it?
A Proud Father 5 comments
Holy shit 16 comments
Not a meme, but I like it. 3 comments
· 7 years ago
This idea of entitlement and thinking you are too good for your partner is what makes all these women single. Then they complain. In a relationship, you often have to make compromises. One partner isn't the slave of the other
Has it happen to anyone 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Too often I imagine myself waking up and then realize I'm still being a lazy shit
This sounds like fun 5 comments
This is My No-No Square 17 comments
For those who judge all the time 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I am fine with anyone getting tattoos, freedom to them, but I do not find them attractive personally. It is an immediate turn off
How tanks work 14 comments