When I heard the WBC would picket Fred Phelps' funeral 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Breaking Bad
Damn you movie poster designers! 9 comments
· 11 years ago
It usually has something to do with billing. Billing is the order in which your name shows up for credit. The more famous or accomplished go first and then it goes down from there. This mainly for end credits but it may be a reason for this as well.
Oh childhood, we miss you 7 comments
All the time 13 comments
All the time 13 comments
· 11 years ago
When I feel my foot start to cramp (usually happens when I'm laying down) I stand on it and put some pressure on the foot. You can still feel the tingly sensation but not the pain (at least I don't feel pain). I lift my foot after a while if it feels like it's going to cramp up I press my foot down again until it goes away. I hope this helps someone out there.
Anyone else had these? 17 comments
· 11 years ago
These are music players. It would play a snippet of whatever song clip you put into it. They were awesome.
When the people behind me at the theater are talking in the middle of the movie. 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I have friends who do that so I sit in between them and ignored them when they try to talk to me. The stay quiet from then on out.
Edited 11 years ago
Whenever a cop drives by me 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Not really. I never feel paranoid when I walk past them because I know I've done nothing wrong. I feel pretty safe actually. I've been stop a couple of times because they thought I was a high school student and was ditching school, I explained that I wasn't and was on my way no problem.
Whenever a cop drives by me 8 comments
· 11 years ago
The only times I get paranoid is when they're driving behind me and I think I'm going to get pulled over (haven't so far).
Edited 11 years ago
The most important movie question 2 comments
· 11 years ago
I tend to be more emotional and upset when a dog (or animal) dies in a movie over when a person dies.
My life in two pictures 7 comments
Practical skills are useful too 16 comments
· 11 years ago
You probably will need calculus (especially on big projects) There is a lot of the technical aspect with position, sizing, curvature that you have to take into consideration and having that math skill will help. I'm not saying that you're wrong and that you should definitely go to college, it's just something to think about. I hope all goes well on your interview and get into the program that you want.
Totally. I did that too. Ahhh. Memories 19 comments
Dogs about to sneeze 15 comments
First ever flexible smartphone 17 comments
90's kids know what this is from 45 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes it's from the old solo cups, the design is called jazz. I'm haven't seen the cups for a while though.
When FunSubstance is down when I'm bored 35 comments
· 11 years ago
It's more that I have seen all the new posts and now have nothing to do.
Edited 11 years ago