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***ht pedestrian thoughtless Nutjobs 1 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
I have one of those in my coffee shop.
She brings her two year old in, and let's it scream the place down for half an hour, and draw all over the tables.
Then she gets shitty if we haven't got a certain type of sandwich she enjoys, because, ya know, there's other customers...
Alexa this is so sad 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Bang a couple of sertraline, and some ecstacy.
C'mere bigguy 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Well, who had the Pork ribs and the BBQ Pizza?
It wuz fackin wan o yas!
· Edited 3 years ago
Fotball 32 - 0 Handegg 11 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Nice cherry picking to suit the false narrative.
What about Neil Warwick, Harry Rednapp, Rafael Benitez, Martin Jol?
I could go on of course, but this meme is bullshit.
All you have to do is Google "best American football coaches of all time", and you'll see for yourself.
Skinny, white mermaids are unrealistic 35 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
...yet the half fish, half human part is TOTALLY realistic.
The myth was created to prevent the embarrassment of reality; that lonely sailers were bumming manatees.
I love batman 7 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
"You've got to peck a pocket or
two-CAAAWWK!!!, you've got to peck a pocket or twooooo"
· Edited 3 years ago
What is this 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
This comment has nowhere near enough upvotes
Whale facts 11 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Not any more, fuckers!
ROCK lml 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Home of the no repeat ( although we'll repeat the same songs after the no repeat guarantee), guarantee.
I keep waiting for it but it never happens 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
OK, this is the second time I've come across this meme in one day, so I believe this will one day happen..
Being British Defined 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say this was originally meant to read "Being American", but through some sense of inadequacy, the author had to deflect it onto the British.
· Edited 3 years ago
oh no 10 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
...and not one woman did what an Essex/Brooklyn girl would do...
Really real text 12 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Can confirm, Am Internet Explorer
One is smarter than the other 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
One is using their sight, the other is using their sense of smell.
This guy's figured it out 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Wait till they get a load of the reboot..
"I am a free, I am not man a number"? 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Some people's brains just don't work so brain.
Approachable motionless Donkey 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Goats that won’t stop head-butting get pool noodled 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
When it wants to Djent, but just can't...
Kawai - an origin story 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
PoG(h)o(st) Project #46 - "Toss a coin to your witcher..." 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
I am both, yet none. Schrodinger's witcher, if you will.
My dog Shadow. 14.5 yrs and counting! 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Oh noooo. I'm so sorry to see this.
Cursed Images Day 19 - "Lemme see your real war face!" 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
This video is fucked up
Yes yes 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
Sucks that we don't get them in the UK.
Exuberant mediaeval luxuriant Swan 11 comments
kingswitcherii · 3 years ago
It could be...