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Just like a real furry con 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Young boy coerces major Company into breaking child labour laws, committing fraud, identity theft, and Paedophilia.
Please excuse me as I'm going to let loose my last few brain cells 13 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
*looks at everything labelled 'professional'*
Yeah, we're good.
Day 523 and this starts 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I always thought of Gleeson as a respected actor before that, but looking at his Imdb, you're bang on.
· Edited 2 years ago
Please excuse me as I'm going to let loose my last few brain cells 13 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
What about the women's team?
We can't leave them out too, that's sexist.
Let me stay longerrr 19 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
...In the fridge as a fresh blood supply, maybe.
Let me stay longerrr 19 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I dunno. Hit AL 35 and I might be OK.
· Edited 2 years ago
Mee mee 7 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Yeah, where did this stupid idea that sheep die for wool, come from?
Life is short 1 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
How to stop taking funerals so seriously...
Woosh the cat 17 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
My gf is Asexual. I doubt it.
Day 523 and this starts 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Seeing Cillian Murphy and Naomi Harris go from humble, small budget movies like this to absolute megastars, was amazing.
Froggo Fun #544 - High Class Establishment 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
They look like they're about to burst into Paul McCartney's Frog Chorus.
Anon thinks anime is the solution 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
OK, but just don't advertise it as the final solution like that.
That's...that's not a good look...
Work > Fun 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
What if the agents set it up, and you're Neo?
Minecraft in the future 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Average grief 21 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
King Alfred the not doing a bad job as a monarch, but he could've probably done more had he put his mind to it.
Please excuse me as I'm going to let loose my last few brain cells 13 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I mean, yeah. If you find someone has taken speed, so they can Powerwank for Britain, you'd have to put some rules in place.
I think to keep it clean, they'd have to use fleshlights or something.
You certainly couldn't have relay wanking...or could you?
I find your lack of faith disturbing 12 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Personally, I agree.
Cats are cute because they're fluff and mews.
These Cats look like sweat, and pepper spray.
Deezgoostin! 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
M8 ave you even ad Cokaws and mussaws?
It’s very hard to 1up mine 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
AIDS, HIV, Unprotected sex.
It’s very hard to 1up mine 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I can't wait for this family to be as irrelevant as algebra to a layman.
The tree that just doesn't give up.... 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Don't... don't you let go!
Photter 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Polish Man 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
FloridaMan's Nemesis!
Somebody make this a movie...
Brooding 11 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
So, Liam Neeson?
Average grief 21 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
The "Meh" train robbery.