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Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Lol I wrote "rememebers"
We need more possum posts 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I learned recently, that possums only live for 1.5 years, max.
Americans have a wierd view on race issues 8 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I'm half English, half Irish.
So I guess I'm still just British.
Not whole Brit, just Brit...ish...
Americans have a wierd view on race issues 8 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Protip: It already is 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"You don't get a lot of Doy these days..."
Keep on shoveling 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
They're fucking what now?
If I take too long they might run off with my food 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
...and always make sure I've wiped the jizz off my knees, because running down the stairs while jerking off is difficult.
· Edited 2 years ago
This guy's face in a product catalog 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Missing out 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
That means two things...
Potatoes! 1 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Thank you
Protip: It already is 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"Mr Devito, you're needed on set!"
Wolf schnoz 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Still adorable
This guy's face in a product catalog 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Not just the guy, look at that kid's haircut; have a fucking word with yourself mate.
Good guy me 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
It's been 9 years. Another 5 and youll have eclipsed the wait for Puke Nukem forever.
Never leave your picnic unattended in Australia 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Who says it's not their picnic?
Denver 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
In all fairness, they probably thought they'd reached the end of the world, until they built a Maccy D's....
Thanks for all the laughs 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"You want it with a laimon twist?"
Stinky 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Anyway, the post is a toxic ideal in my opinion, and makes its point quite well.
Forgiveness is an avenue you can go down, if you want to just turn your back and not deal with the mental damage abuse has caused, but it's not going to help long term.
You may as well turn to drinking to forget, as the problem will still be there when you sober up.
Stinky 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I'm coming from the line of "things happen for a reason" and "learn to forgive"
Forgiving oneself for allowing it to happen doesn't come from the same place, that comes from learning through experiences of positive change and perseverance.
On a side note and I don't mean this in a disrepectful way; it's usually not a good idea to start a counter point with the argument from authority fallacy. The "my point holds nore weight than yours because I have a degree in this field" only strengthens the resolve of the the other person youre trying to sway to your side of thinking. I would've hoped they'd have taught you that in a master's degree.
Thanks for all the laughs 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
To me, he'll the guy that bribes Eddie Murphy in Beverley Hills Cop, Jago, and the guy that told the most depraved, disgusting joke ever known to man.
Coincidentally, Eddie Murphy does an impeccable impression of him.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Stinky 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Yeah, it sounds nice, but I just don't think it's realistic.
Stinky 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
True. I'll never forgive my ex wife.
That shit stays with you, no matter what.
There's no way you can make a positive from abuse, unless you use it to learn to be careful about who you let into your life, ergo making your life more positive.
Putting a positive spin on abuse you suffered, much is what people suggest, is toxic in and of itself.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Calling yourself alpha is such a beta move 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Yup. Alpha and Omega hierarchy still exists in social groups.
Thanks for all the laughs 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"The Aristocrats..."
Basically Their Entire Dynamic 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
They tried that. She jilted him at the altar.