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I'm 21 gosh darnit, these yungens will be the enda me 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Further to that, the Scottish phrase "Yer Bums oot the windae!" Is a good way of saying someone's crazy, or has had a stupid idea.
· Edited 2 years ago
I'm 21 gosh darnit, these yungens will be the enda me 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Bussin means good.
I understood it without needin to look it up, because in the UK, West Bromwich/Birmingham area, "Busting" means the same thing.
"Yam Kuddin!" is another one I like from that area, meaning "You're kidding!"
Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
The worst porn gif ever made
Money for nothing 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Custom kitchen deliveries.
Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
It's my own fault for switching to random.
Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
The ol' brain enema
Froggo Fun #370 - The Earth May Not Be Flat, but These Frogs Are 8 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"So, you got a flat, well, how 'bout that?"
Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
It was the worst clickbait but also the best, and simultaneously posted by the best, but worst troll.
Why??? 14 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Lol I wrote "rememebers"
We need more possum posts 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I learned recently, that possums only live for 1.5 years, max.
Americans have a wierd view on race issues 8 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I'm half English, half Irish.
So I guess I'm still just British.
Not whole Brit, just Brit...ish...
Americans have a wierd view on race issues 8 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Protip: It already is 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"You don't get a lot of Doy these days..."
Keep on shoveling 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
They're fucking what now?
If I take too long they might run off with my food 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
...and always make sure I've wiped the jizz off my knees, because running down the stairs while jerking off is difficult.
· Edited 2 years ago
This guy's face in a product catalog 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Missing out 3 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
That means two things...
Potatoes! 1 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Thank you
Protip: It already is 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"Mr Devito, you're needed on set!"
Wolf schnoz 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Still adorable
This guy's face in a product catalog 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Not just the guy, look at that kid's haircut; have a fucking word with yourself mate.
Good guy me 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
It's been 9 years. Another 5 and youll have eclipsed the wait for Puke Nukem forever.
Never leave your picnic unattended in Australia 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Who says it's not their picnic?
Denver 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
In all fairness, they probably thought they'd reached the end of the world, until they built a Maccy D's....
Thanks for all the laughs 6 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"You want it with a laimon twist?"