

— kittycat Report User
This hits hard 7 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
That's probably for the best until you find someone genuine and reliable
Bad decision by parent 12 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Given the abundance of pink, I think it's safe to assume that the this baby is actually a girl
Too hold to hold 3 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
I keep a pair of cheap/thin cotton winter gloves in my car for when it's snowy and my steering wheel is cold, but also for when the steering wheel is way too hot to touch. It's not super comfy, but I feel much safer driving :p
This freaking movie 3 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Penguins of Madagascar I think
This ain't right 13 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
My 4 year old nephew loves legos and construction trucks like nobody's business, but he also loves to dance with colorful fabric squares and his favorite colors are pink and purple. At that age most kids are good at being themselves as long as they aren't discouraged by people telling them what they "should" like.
The struggle is real 11 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
I love this movie! It's so cheesy and dumb, but hilarious (and filmed at my old high school too). The movie is The Adventures of Food Boy for anyone wondering
This happens all the time...No privacy 8 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Not if you're under 18
deadpool 2 17 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Just because a child has cancer or is likely to die soon doesn't mean they are emotionally ready to watch a film like Deadpool
Great father 7 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Depending on the school, she might've been crowned during halftime of the homecoming football game
Use the old "wait and see" method 5 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
Dollar store pregnancy tests are just as effective as ones from a drug store (it's only testing for the presence of a single hormone after all). This way, you only have to pay $1 instead of an arm and a leg
Pregnant 5 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
That probably means you're dead
SpankTank! 6 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
As a parent, you have to realize sometimes that the damage has already been done. Yelling usually doesn't help anything, but depending on the age of the kid, proper discipline or a simple explanation about why what they did was wrong would be the best way to handle it.
The pic is just a bonus. Like I said, it's already too late. The damage has been done. You might as well take a pic and hope you can laugh about it later. I known my family has some of these.
They're even gluten-, carb- and sugarfree!! 5 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
That calculation isn't ever part of regular calorie math, but technically yes. Drinking really cold water is actually a good way to burn a few extra calories each day
They're even gluten-, carb- and sugarfree!! 5 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
But then they wouldn't be 0.0 kcal, which is what's being advertised
Full body shiver 24 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
The only lie Joe would ever tell, over and over, was to comfort someone who was dying
Veganism causes autism 28 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
There are more people in the world now then there were X many years ago, and this chart has only diagnosed individuals, not cases per million (or whichever unit you prefer). Also, as medical science advances, we are able to diagnose more people more accurately. Since autism is a spectrum, we have more minor cases that can be diagnosed instead of just written off as social awkwardness (Asperger syndrome is officially on the autism spectrum now). Food for thought.
I would make the same mistake too 11 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
Use the board game as a reason to invite some people over and make new friends! People from work, school, church groups, neighbors, your favorite coffee shop, etc.
Leave now! 3 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
I'd like to do that too 5 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
There was a student in my school district killed because someone shot a gun loaded with blanks at him while goofing off on a play set. The play was Oklahoma! btw
Pray for me when the time comes 9 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
Only if you did something to deserve it!
Disney is such a hipster 8 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
Could be a whole range of things depending on the groups attached to the carbons. Lots and lots of molecules would have this specific structure with varying side groups
How does this person look young/old and like a woman/man at the same damn time? 9 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
The long(-ish) hair, manicured eyebrows, smooth forehead skin, and makeup around the eyes indicates female. The square jaw, receding hairline, and 5 o'clock shadow indicate male. I would say that this is a man since the female aspects are easily changed and the male aspects are more genetically inherent.
How to deal with ugly babies 12 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
You can basically always compliment the baby's eyes if nothing else!
Holy shit 16 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
In general it's about desire. Lots of people feel that their partner must not be satisfied with their relationship if they turn to porn for any reason.
If you research the "porn kills love" movement, you'll find plenty of more scientific reasons and testimonials against the use of sexual objectification as a socially acceptable practice
It's the little things that make me stabby 10 comments
kittycat · 7 years ago
Not all stores have those. The only one I've seen in America was at a little European-branching store.