

— kittycat Report User
Ordering online 3 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
If that's the first thing you think of when you see an attractive person, you're disgusting
Cheerful accidental needy Parrot 5 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
They expect you to do so too 6 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
He wasn't an ancestor. I'm going to be all pretentious here and quote the dictionary
Ancestor: one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent.
He was family, but since you aren't his descendant, he's not your ancestor
Landscape aesthetics are...calming 2 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
@title this is actually scientifically proven. We all need more nature time in our lives. Everyone, go for a short (or long!) walk today in whatever nature you have around you!
Ouch, read till the end :D 16 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Assuming she has an average menstrual cycle, she likely only released an egg 6 times, presenting only 6 chances for pregnancy. Thus only 6 failed attempts
Ouch, read till the end :D 16 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Technically over the course of 6 months, he only failed to impregnate her 6 times, regardless of the number of times they had sex
The power 10 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
While walking through a parking lot into a store, my dad and I saw someone parked near us toss their empty drink container out of their car window (I forget if it was a can or bottle, since it's been so long). My dad had zero tolerance for this kind of crap, but he's also relentlessly kind, so he picked it up, and casually said, "I think you dropped this." Offering it back to them. This stupid human trash-panda had the gall to claim it wasn't theirs and turned their head away from us, so dad just carried it to the bin at the entrance to the store and threw it away for them.
This is more of what I expect of a litterer. Straight up negligence and no remorse.
Made better 1 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
But only once reliably, so it's still better to take care of it, just in case O.o
I will then 9 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
I was taught about orbitals in high school
How can you be this stupid 7 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
You don't know where that money came from. It could very well include marked bills, and the police could come to you instead
Reduce, reuse, recycle? 4 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
There's an interesting movie called Children of Men that addresses this to an extent
I feel like Wikipedia always has the best info, with sources as well 12 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Wikipedia isn't a primary source is why. If you use the sources off of Wikipedia, that's fine, but Wikipedia isn't a source in and of itself
Good guy clarkson 5 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
All the text in this post is redundant. Goodness, I only need to be told the exact same details one time, not four. :p
Don't bring homework to school 15 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
One big part of herd immunity is that it prevents the mutation of diseases. As a diseases passes from person to person, there's a greater chance of it mutating into a form that could be unaffected by the current vaccine. Really, the fewer people that get the disease, the less likely it is to kill anyone, vaccinated or not
Blood tests are hard to study for 1 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Blood type distribution is actually super interesting! Asia has a high percentage of native type O and type B blood, so this scenario would be pretty common
This hits hard 7 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
That's probably for the best until you find someone genuine and reliable
Bad decision by parent 12 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Given the abundance of pink, I think it's safe to assume that the this baby is actually a girl
Too hold to hold 3 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
I keep a pair of cheap/thin cotton winter gloves in my car for when it's snowy and my steering wheel is cold, but also for when the steering wheel is way too hot to touch. It's not super comfy, but I feel much safer driving :p
This freaking movie 3 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Penguins of Madagascar I think
This ain't right 13 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
My 4 year old nephew loves legos and construction trucks like nobody's business, but he also loves to dance with colorful fabric squares and his favorite colors are pink and purple. At that age most kids are good at being themselves as long as they aren't discouraged by people telling them what they "should" like.
The struggle is real 11 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
I love this movie! It's so cheesy and dumb, but hilarious (and filmed at my old high school too). The movie is The Adventures of Food Boy for anyone wondering
This happens all the time...No privacy 8 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Not if you're under 18
deadpool 2 17 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Just because a child has cancer or is likely to die soon doesn't mean they are emotionally ready to watch a film like Deadpool
Great father 7 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Depending on the school, she might've been crowned during halftime of the homecoming football game
Use the old "wait and see" method 5 comments
kittycat · 6 years ago
Dollar store pregnancy tests are just as effective as ones from a drug store (it's only testing for the presence of a single hormone after all). This way, you only have to pay $1 instead of an arm and a leg