cooing dinosaurs? 12 comments
· 8 years ago
That is so beautiful
Student taking desperate measures 7 comments
· 8 years ago
The test is not in English, but "Top Secret" is. Why put Top Secret in English?
Keanu toy 7 comments
· 8 years ago
What's great is I didn't read the title and before I saw Keanu holding the action figure i was like "this doll is like sad Keanu Reeves" and then boom. Keanu Reeves.
I really, really love dogs. (And cats) 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Fortunately my doggo's tail wags her body. Hence why I call her Miss Wiggles
Goddamn you brain 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I dream about my dog that passed about three years ago now. At first I'm always surprised that he's there, then I remember that he died, and then I just sit and pet him and cherish the time I get
How to deal with rape threats 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Its more about the idea that he thinks it's totally chill to say that. Its more for his protection than hers. Because one day, he'll say that shit to the wrong person, and that person will either use it against him and say he followed through with that threat and put his ass in prison, or, that person will turn it into the police and he'll be arrested for threatening bodily harm (which is a crime), and get his ass thrown in prison
This is what body shaming really looks like 28 comments
· 8 years ago
People will love you for who you are. Everyone makes fun of my boyfriend behind his back and says that he has a big nose. Truth be told, he has a large nose, but it's MY large nose and I think it's adorable and fits his cute face perfectly, and I can't imagine him any other way. So don't you worry, the people who love you are the ones that matter, and the ones that matter don't care about things like that
For me it's a high squeaky "EIIHHH" 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Honestly whenever I see that it makes an old timey car horn sound, like the ones in the movie Atlantis lol
Never even thought of this 5 comments
Quotes to turn a bad day around 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Sorry to be that person but River didn't say that quote first, Kaylee said it first after she fixed Serenity up and then River said it later to Kaylee and it terrified her because she just killed a bunch of people
Beach picture 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I've been doing this for a while now, I figured it out when I couldn't take a picture of Mt. Saint Helens with my phone, and realized that I couldn't see it with my sunglasses off either, so I thought "Lol maybe my phone needs sunglasses" so I tried it because I'm a potato and I could see it in my phone all of the sudden and long story short that's why I get funny looks when taking all of my pictures now
I owe like 15.000 tacos. FML 7 comments
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
So @ajhedges, are you saying that folks are making this stuff up for shits and giggles? Because according to the Rape, Assault, and Incest National Network, only 3 out of 100 people accused of rape will see the inside a prison cell
Edited 8 years ago
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
So, @boberto, what is your goal here? What are you trying to accomplish with your statements? Is it your belief that there is an injustice here for men that is not there for women who have been raped?
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
I agree and don't at the same time because it's pointless statement and pointless argument. Of course the reaction would be different, because usually when a woman is set on fire its because she tried to leave her abusive boyfriend or she lives in a country where that's chill.
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments