

KnightAngel Report User
Guy Fieri 10 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Actually I've met Guy in person when I was 14, he then proceeded to ask for me to wait there while he went and got his 14 year old son to meet me. T'was awkward.
It's true... It is... *hint hint* 44 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Well this was a rollercoaster of emotions
The protector 15 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Holy shit her heels are fucking INSANE
This picture is deep. It's talking about trust 15 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
I think that's the point. She has the power to free herself from the weight pulling her down (jealousy, fear of infidelity, etc.) but refuses and thinks it's his job to save her
20 · Edited 8 years ago
i would even be too scared to do this in my pool 10 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Fun fact this is how I saw Jaws for the first time. My local pool had movie nights and they featured Jaws and my dad thought it would be hilarious. It wasn't.
Uh... 5 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
You have been verified
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
My boyfriend and I take turns on who pays, a good relationship is about teamwork.
Aye, true 5 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Oddly comforting
Living in the tunnels of New York City 1 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
I hope he didn't get caught after this
How most of my friendships work 3 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
We talk haha
That's an appropriate response 10 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
hoo rah 42 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
I definitely agree with this whole trigger warning thing and safe space ideas being the beginnings of a self fulfilling prophecy as it talks about in The Atlantic piece. I also watched the video and towards the end he says that college students are being told that they are fragile, and once something traumatic happens to you you're done for. That's why I am so grateful for the way that my mom raised me; I was molested for a very long time as a child, and when my mom found out she took action and that person is in prison now. But she never once treated me like a victim, and I know that it killed her to have to say "It's over now, you are no victim, don't you cry." but it more good for me than any therapy session. She taught me to pick myself up and not dwell in the past, and not buy in to what society and my generation says: that I'm ruined. Because I'm not. I don't need a safe space or trigger warnings because I was raised to never rely on them as a crutch.
More paused didney 8 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
THANK YOU I was staring at it for like 10 minutes trying to remember which movie this was. All I remembered was just that I didn't like that guy
hoo rah 42 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Our military is instilled with the duty of protecting American citizens. Sometimes that protection comes in the form of calling out a bully. Honor, Courage, and Commitment are the Navy core values, and we are taught that it takes honor to acknowledge that something is not right and must be stopped, courage to be the one to stand up, and commitment to continue to do so. By silent warriors I mean that they are not screaming for safe spaces, they are fighting overseas with bullets and blood for them. And the media shows us the kids screaming for safe spaces in college campuses rather than the kids in the Middle East and Africa fighting for us, and those warriors aren't screaming for attention either.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
hoo rah 42 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
So what if you're offended? Nothing happens. You don't get offended and then wake up the next morning with scurvy or some shit. Let people be offended.
Also, I'm going to have to strongly disagree that the world has gone soft, as @bassinyoface has put it. The media in North America doesn't let you see what is really going on out here. Spend a few minutes on LiveLeak or and you will see just how hard the world really is. I'm sure that you meant Americans have gone soft, but I'm going to have to disagree there as well. Hundreds of millenials enlist in the armed forces every day. Three of my best friends are deployed to Turkey, Lebanon, and Afghanistan right now. The media hypes up and acts like a megaphone to the "typical lazy millennials" because it's the best news to report, and they speak the loudest. The warriors of this nation (America); are silent.
If cartoon characters looked their actual age 17 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Lol Bugs Bunny looks like Steve Jobs
Gaytatyo sicudo igoruds 5 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Nice to meet you Norway
Im getting to old for this shit 3 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
That's a big ass set up pool holy shit
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Dammit Disney you can't keep doing this. 8 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Am I the only one that thought Edna was a gay guy? Idk why but I think 10 year old me watched too much America's Next Top Model and just assumed Edna was like Ms. Jay
mom doesn't have a sense of humor 7 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
I can't believe he got through nearly 8 hours of it before she got tired of it
Dude chilling out on the Dettah Ice Road, Yellowknife, Canada 1 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
No thanks, I choose life
That doesn't sound right 3 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
Are those not the lyrics?
The deepest most desperate desire 11 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
THERE GOES MY HEART, this is too true
He sees EVERYTHIIINNNG 6 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
"I see better from a distance."
Anybody else able to do this? 23 comments
knightangel · 8 years ago
I keep hearing that lucid dreaming is rare but I have them at least once a night, I remember at least two of my dreams per night (apparently you have like 10 per night). How can folks not realize that they are dreaming?